Auragraph For A Woman Who Is Super Materialistic With A Calling To Let Go Of It All...


Oracle Reading:


Dear Heather:

Here is what you wrote to me that you wanted to know…

“I want help with few things please I want to know if my birth dad is aware of how my mom's been treating me since he passed away and I want to know if Grand calcutti is aware of it all two I also want to know how my dad really died case only him and God know the truth on that. And I want to know if my mom will ever get introble for stealing from my trust fund. And. I want to know how to get rid of all the bad luck and evil in my live and body and how to be. Welthy and helther. Please that all I want to know .”
My Guide did not answer all your questions exactly -

Basically – Your bad habits are an obstacle in your life… Your desire to have community and put things to rest with your family by finding out what you believe really happened, etc is an obstacle that you are going to have to overcome spiritually and you may have to find community outside your family.

I can not answer those questions about your family for you because that is something for you to let go of, through forgiveness and faith –

In addition, you will have to follow the Golden Rule if you are going to be happy and healthy in your body – and you need to get out of yourself and gain some Knowledge of Truth. I am going to give you a video to watch to learn more about the Golden Rule.

The Golden Rule is Treat Others the way you want to be treated. This is much more complex than it sounds.

This is all confirmed by the Auragraph – which is a picture of you, crying over the past, with a big heart you are wearing, and your left hand which is the receiver is reaching up to your Guardian and your right hand, which is the manifestor, is grasping worldly things.

Access to your Guardian is blocked from you by a cloud, and there is a dark shadow of past regrets and resentments foreshadowing your future. You will have to clear up the regrets and resentments if you are to be happy and healthy and to gain access to your Guardian.

Your Guardian is connected to God and His right hand is on your cheek. You have butterfly wings which indicate that you do need to go through a period of gestation before you can emerge as a your True Self, leaving the past in the past.

You have shadow work to do and I am going to give you a good simple way to get started – Meditation and Prayer.

Direction for Meditation and Prayer

The solution is that you let God be the Director of your life, then things will go much better for you, because you will always know what to do because you will be guided by a Power greater than you that has your best interest in mind for the Highest Good of all concerned.

A good place to start would be MEDITATION and PRAYER. Start with a few minutes of silent meditation in the morning and at night - and increase it as you can. You can count backward from 25 and try to see the numbers in your head- this will block other thoughts from coming in. The purpose of meditation is to get out of the ego self and into the observer self so that you are no longer attached to ideas that you believe are real… and you can get into the silence - this does take practice. Yoga can
help with this as well. Breathing into your stuck points in your body while doing a stretch can help you find mental silence.

Prayer on the other hand is for throughout the day - and it requires practice to become a working part of your life - Asking at each point when you set out to do something - what is God's Will in this situation?

Pausing and waiting and then looking for the answer in signs or intuition, chance meetings or things that come from outside you to start with ... You can do this with minutia as well as big decisions. Practice at the grocery store when standing in front of the bread isle – there are so many choices - God, what kind of bread should I buy? and then pause and wait to see which bread seems right. It takes practice. The finite mind is not going to want to give up it's status as the ruler - so it might be confusing and frustrating but the more you practice the more it will become a working part of the mind...

Even making mistakes shows you are trying and you will get great rewards
from that -

Acknowledging these miracles - by writing them down - makes them more and more believable - not something to be brushed off as "coincidence" - or not even noticed -

In addition, during this "crisis" we are in - you could Pray for a simple way you could be helpful to others - and for the ability to let go of the results - you do not know what is best for others - but you
can be helpful to them in some way -

This will get you out of yourself and let the Higher Power have a chance to work out the right decision for you - so that you will know what to do when you need to know it...

I have made you a talisman to help you on your way.
“I surrender to Divine Love, and I am free”


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