The Narrow Choice

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Most would HATE it if they were thrust upon it and forced to walk upon its sharp, craggy path. There is usually pain and suffering on this Path BEFORE there is joy and peace... and especially POWER.

All of life is a TEST. The Narrow Path is the TEST of tests. Finding it and staying on it IS THE ULTIMATE VICTORY for mankind. If you are successful on your QUEST (it is a quest), then, and only then will you KNOW and FEEL what i mean. This experience is reserved for those who LOVE my Father in Heaven.

Most Christians are never taught what real love is. You should pray and ask the Father in Heaven to TEACH you His will and to TEACH you what real love actually is. Learning this takes both time and effort most are not willing to GIVE. My Father seeks those who seek Him and He becomes intimate with those who WANT Him more than anything else in this life.

The Way of Life is powerful. It has to be to fend off all of corrupted creation at all times. There ARE monsters out there and under your bed. The weapons people read over in the Scriptures as if they are fantasy, are REAL INDEED. I am a giant killer in the physical and i pull down Strongholds in the spiritual. I am trained by my Father for WAR. He has trained my hands to fight spiritually and has given me the SECRET to walking in victorious power over the crushed bones of my enemies.

The enemy of your soul is confident he can win and DETHRONE my Father in Heaven. Do you know why? Do you KNOW your enemy? I do.

I have the knowledge and authority to NOT forgive sins of humans and to place fallen beings in permanent JAIL until the Judgment. Demons are easy to defeat. Fallen messengers are NOT. Thankfully, the actual fighting i do is all spiritual and my Father does the physical and actual spiritual combat via His Host, His Spirit and His WORD. My Father Yahweh loves me and fights my battles for me. He even honors me with the ability and authority to choose targets and sometimes even strategies and tactics. I will not tell you the SECRET as that is my Father's will. You must convince Him you are ready and willing to know and do His will. I am NOT special in the human sense and i am only a FOOT SOLDIER in my Father's Army.

I am no leader in His Army. I tell you this so you may have hope. The Kingdom Army is unstoppable because our King is all powerful with ALL knowledge and Authority to Judge, Create, and Re-Create. He is my Advocate and Friend. My Father in Heaven is my Avenger and my Daddy.

Are you tired of wielding the plastic sword your preacher/pastor/teacher gave you? Are you tired of getting your rear-end kicked every time you battle darkness? Most people who engage the enemy for real, quickly learn is it not like TV. It is often vastly different than what they were taught by humans. They come away from the skirmish bleeding and injured, sometimes even physically. Sometimes they DIE. Our mutual enemy DOES murder, steal, and destroy and he does it OFTEN all over Earth. He is more powerful than all the armies on Earth combined. He also has lots of fallen messenger (angel) support, hordes of demonic support and most of the population on Earth support him by BIRTH. This sounds scary and impossible to most Christians because they never read their Scriptures ASKING my Father to be their Teacher.

Instead they trusted HUMANS to teach them. BIG MISTAKE. If you have done this, you NEED to repent and become like Sha'ul (Paul). He separated himself from most comfort and all family and friends and learned at the feet of my Master. He was granted great authority and power and he walked in it. Believers today... right now, can also decide they wish to become TRUE DISCIPLES, taking up the torture stake, DENYING themselves, considering their carnal mind to be DEAD, while learning to walk in the love and power of the SPIRIT. This is a primary discipline few Christians master. This is why they live defeated lives still under the siege of the CURSE.

All Zombie and most SciFi/Fantasy movies and books TELL you what is coming in a VEILED manner. The enemy has no choice in this matter. Only those with honed wisdom can even see it for want it is. I implore you to GET wisdom by ASKING my Father. Ask Him for more faith. Ask Him for more discernment. Ask Him for more love and more power. Never stop asking and knocking daily BUT NEVER REPEAT your prayers more than once per 12 hour period. My Father HATES vain repetitions and so do i. Consider ridding your homes of all graven images as they do cause harm. I will not get into why here as that is also part of your Training should you decide to become a Disciple Recruit.

I will give you one really delicious morsel of MEAT to enjoy. The Apostle Sha'ul (Paul) was a murdering, and hateful man who caused a LOT of harm. Then suddenly, he met my Master and everything changed. He realized how wrong he had been in persecuting righteousness. He actually REPENTED and went away for 3 years to LEARN at the feet of the Master Yahushua.

Do what he did and my Father in Heaven will MASSIVELY BLESS YOU with a clear and complete knowledge of His will. Once He knows you INTIMATELY, He will speak with you constantly in several ways. This is the BEGINNING of wisdom: To FEAR His Name. This is your ever increasing STRENGTH: His Joy. Yahweh really does love you more than you can comprehend right now. Consider leaving the WIDE path today. Consider becoming a true disciple of my Master. His yoke is LIGHT. Maranatha!

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-Galt's Ghost


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