Never want anything! Here is why - 2/2

Reality is merely an Illusion, albeit a very persistent one.
Albert Einstein

Quantum physics teaches us that everything is energy and thereby everything is connected. It is also important to know that energy vibrates in different frequencies. So if we are all energy and can alter the frequency of our vibration, does it not make sense that we can manifest our ideal live by changing our frequency?

Brains do not make any difference between the things we imagine and the things we see with our eyes. Both are interpreted as real. Once you start visualizing everyday as if you living your dream and feel the emotions that comes along with it, you will get in tune with the frequency that will manifest your dreams into the physical reality.
I strongly believe that you should not be bothered with the details of how to make your dreams come true. Let the universe do that for you. Have faith in the universe. There is no place for doubt.

As I understand it the universe makes a plan backwards from the place you visualize. It presents you hunches and chances to get there. It brings people in your live that can help you to realize your dreams, but the universe may also delay you to keep you on the right track. In other words the universe will draw the roadmap for you and will set things in motion that will bring you there.
Sometimes it takes years, sometimes days or even minuts. Do not lose your faith. That is one of the reasons why it might not manifest. Keep visualizing. I want to give you one example out of my live.

Approximately Three years ago I put up my mind to work in a setting where I had more freedom and bigger clients. Were I could build and maintain relations and be a lot less in the office. At the same time I was looking for an apartment in Amsterdam. I started to imagine and to feel as this already happened. I found in six months two positions, which I liked. I was for both invited. One company made me an offer. As I had a preference for the other position and company I declined their offer. That was the hunch I got. In my final conversation with the other company I did not had a click with the international director. So I did not get hired. I kept believing and visualizing. A month later I found an apartment that I loved and bought in Amsterdam. In July my mortgage past and in august a friend called me out of the blue for a position at their company. It was exactly the kind of job as I had imagined. I accepted the offer and what I had imagined had manifested itself in the physical reality.

I believe the universe was holding me on my place because something better was to come. If I had made the switch before I bought my apartment in Amsterdam. I would have not been able to buy it due to not having a contract with an indefinite duration. Looking backward the universe was delaying me for a reason and it gave me all I visualized.

Henry Ford
Whether you think you can, or you think you can't—you're right.

Link to Part 1:

Picture is mine. Shot in London.

Foto-Impuls.London D.jpg

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