This is a story for your inner child.

One morning, I stood at my kitchen counter, typing a Steemit post.


There was an unexpected knock on my door.


It was my very nice neighbor who dropped by to share fresh dragon fruit from the trees in his yard next door. It's also known as 'pitaya,' and is in the cactus species.


The color inside is magenta, like beets. Its seeds are soft, like a kiwi. And the overall taste is very mild... like a bland pear.


It was a gift, and delivery, that stayed with me long after I ate it. I realized how much I now love to swap exotic fruits that I have never seen and tasted before.

And I love connecting with people who have the same
kind of weird feet that, while standing, whisper to the soil:

"Thank you for the fresh lemonade and guacamole, today!"

"Thank you for feeding us, and providing all our needs."

My dragon fruit neighbor has feet like that...

... feet that whisper nice things to soil.

And that relationship, between feet and soil,

can carry you to where you want to be.


I know a lot of people who read my posts are atheists,
and/or materialists of some sort. THANK YOU so much
for reading, in spite of our different worldview.
It takes a really broad-minded person to do that.

I share this beautiful poem by the 14th century Persian poet, Hafiz. The love within it feels enormous, and so capable:

Then stay with me, for I am not.

A thousand naked amorous ones dwell
in ancient caves
beneath my eye.

Here’s the pick:
My whole body
is an emerald that begs:
“Take me.”

Write all that bothers you
on a parchment.
Offer it to God.

Even from this distance
of a millennium, I can reach
out the flame from my heart
into your life and turn
all that frightens you
into Holy Ash.


Who talks like that, today?

I do, actually.

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