The Rise of Technology and the Rebirth of Spirituality

In the past decade we have seen more of a technological advancement and change in social behavior than any other time. It is obvious that life on this planet is going into a direction of a highly advanced digital age beyond our imagination. Coupled with this evolutionary process is a less obvious transformation: the rise a new spiritual paradigm.

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The way these two forms of evolution are happening simultaneously is not a coincidence rather they require one another in order for humanity to survive. With religious perception shifting from a congregational one into a self-reflective epiphany, a new generation who thrives on transparency, truth, and change must find new mediums to express themselves. Technology has provided them with an opportunity, all they have to do is take control of the wheel.

Left without proper management, an out of control network consisting of bots, surveillance systems, and distractions can lead to a humanity enslaved by technology not advanced by it. Luckily, there is a solution to maintaining the power of digital oversight.

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A rebirth of spirituality has sprung by means of the diverse spread of information thanks to technology. Experiences and inspirations has fed lonely hearts, paved pathways to enlightenment, and showed people a new way to worship through self-improvement and love. Even troublesome platforms caused by coerced social media has served this transformation, and this is only the beginning. Now that we have the technology, we can take out the negative aspects of social media and continue to use it as a connecting network for a spiritual awakening.

If we choose to utilize the tools at our fingertips, we can fight the bad with the good, just like we, as a species, have always done. There will be obstacles for technology can be used in a conniving way, but if we continue to spread awakening content there is no stopping a future that looks like a utopian dream.

Photo Credit: Pixabay

Technology offers us the chance to focus on the spirit rather than the body. We can feed all living beings with the help of artificial workers, create power resources that are renewable and self-sufficient, and help one another throughout the world with seamless communication techniques. This will leave us with the time and energy needed to evolve into a new age of spiritual embodiments that we all long to become.

Be prepared as technology advances at a rapid rate so will the need for leaders of a spiritual revolution.

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