How Do We Exist?

Everything Has Three Things:

Birth, Preservation, and Death.


"c. 1200, "fact of being born;" mid-13c., "act of giving birth, a bringing forth by the mother, childbirth," sometimes in Middle English also "conception;" also "that which is born"


Birth is the beginning of something fresh, NOT NEW, which is why they say there is NOTHING NEW UNDER THE SUN. We only think things are new because we have forgotten the origin of things itself. Birth is almost like that fresh perspective on something that already present in awareness. Its just like shedding light on something at a angle either no one has seen or remembered. May it be a new religion you are learning about, the teachings from a curriculum in school, a new approach at a mate you're interested in wooing, or a new movie you saw on Netflix.

I believe the outlook of a person is based on their birth chart, their attention to numbers, and their innerstanding of symbols that the entities in other realms of thought and breath leave for us to learn from. Everyone born has a life to live and a purpose to fulfill, that reality in itself has never changed. And with that I always wonder "what gave birth to life itself?"


*late 14c., "keep safe," from Anglo-French preservare, Old French preserver, from Medieval Latin preservare "keep, preserve," from Late Latin praeservare "guard beforehand," from Latin prae "before" (see pre-) + servare "to keep safe" (from PIE root ser- (1) "to protect"). As a treatment of fruit, etc., 1570s; of organic bodies from 1610s. Related: Preserved; preserving.


I believe there are three ways of living life:

  1. "Life is so testing! I have to make sure I don't lose myself to it." This is over preservation, equivalent to suffocation.
  2. "Life is so fun! I don't even have to do anything!" This is no preservation. YOLO!!!
  3. "Life has its ups and downs, everything happens at the right time and place." This is absolute preservation.

This is balance of the two previous perspectives I provided from my one limited perspective on how to live life, other words "lifestyle".

Preserving is keeping the one thing in your life that keeps your life safe. I think it is your life purpose. I think we all must keep our life's purpose, which is our true heart's desires safe to pursue without hesitation; from and within the ups and downs of life, simultaneously.


*mid-12c., possibly from Old Danish døja or Old Norse deyja "to die, pass away," both from Proto-Germanic *dawjan (source also of Old Frisian deja "to kill," Old Saxon doian, Old High German touwen, Gothic diwans "mortal"), from PIE root dheu- (3) "to pass away, die, become senseless" (source also of Old Irish dith "end, death," Old Church Slavonic daviti, Russian davit' "to choke, suffer").


Now before I continue I want to say this: I use the verb etymology instead of the noun because the action always comes before the noun. What I mean is the noun is the manifestation of the material while action is the catalyst of it. I may make a post later to elaborate on this but anyway:

Death what many people came to remember is that it is the end, but not THE END. "The End Of Life As You Know It" is a better way of putting it.
I recall thinking that if I didn't graduate from college that I would be a failure and not amount to anything worthwhile. That was all I knew, no light was brought to me about a concrete way to have a decent living, until I decided to believe there was and build it from the ground up. The old self who believed in the system died the moment I moved in with my cousin who I love and honor to this day and for the rest of my days. I killed my old habits and my old ways of doing things, to give birth to new habits and new ways of doing things for myself. Which is essential for preservation and birth to continue, which is a part of a neverending cycle.

In this picture I took I see the Cycle of Death:
Cycle of Death Watermarked.jpg

The brown wood represents the life still flowing within it, the fire eliminates the brown wood "as we know it" and turns it into black ash (within the darkness). The ash is then taken by by earth to create new life, (notice the light on the lower right side, the light symbolizes new life. The light penetrating the Earth to help the new birth grow) which would be the brown wood again. And that is why death is awesome!

See? Death is a Cycle that is apart of a even Greater Cycle. Birth is a Cycle and Preservation is a Cycle.

Birth, Preservation and Death is the Trinity and the Foundation of Existence:

*late 14c., "reality," from Old French existence, from Medieval Latin existentia/exsistentia, from existentem/exsistentem (nominative existens/exsistens) "existent," present participle of Latin existere/exsistere "stand forth, come out, emerge; appear, be visible, come to light; arise, be produced; turn into," and, as a secondary meaning, "exist, be;" from ex "forth" (see ex-) + sistere "cause to stand," from PIE *si-st-, reduplicated form of root sta- "to stand, make or be firm."


There's layers of cycles to this shit yo. I hope I answered your question! @whatamidoing

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