Who was Shakespeare?

My comment on the video linked here and it’s a MUST WATCH...

You’ll have to scroll down to find the video as the link only takes you to his channel page. Or do a search on it.

Not the exact video as linked but this one covers all the same ground.

CODE X on the Giza complex with the polymath Robert Edward Grant.

In my view this only gets us to Intelligent Design but no further.

But what would someone like Ricard Carrier say about it. We do know Carrier would call Miles Mathis a CRANK and my guess is he would label this spiritual grifting....

I intuited quite a bit of this when it comes to Dee, Bacon, and the writing team that was Shakespeare.
But in my view it’s all the fireworks of the Archons and The Wizard of Oz (Yaldabaoth).
The problem with these teachers is that they ignore the brutality of the economic Ponzi scheme of our current civilization and the dots connect showing they are responsible for this economic crime. Think Trump, Trudeau etc. whose bloodlines go back to the Templars (bankers.usury)...
In my view this stuff isn’t Woo-Woo but I don’t think the spiritual lineage of Thoth has humanity’s best interest at heart.

One of the other interesting things about the Giza complex is that it looks like a computer motherboard from an aerial view...I still remain agnostic on SIM. but ya know...u gotz ta wander.

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