The Gay Disco Lights (Under The Bridge Downtown)...

Hey, there Steemit! My real life has taken me to some gay clients downtown. Super-cool folks! No, generally speaking, we Christian Gnostics are not bigots! In fact, we are the direct opposite! Libertarian values are entirely consistent with Christian Gnostic thinking as concern for freedom is primary when imprisoned. The focus on sexual preference is misdirection by the archons and it deflects away from where our inquiry should be: who and what the archons are? BTW: as an aside, the only way to get rid of the bloated welfare state (that serves itself) while implementing Libertarian values is to pass laws guaranteeing property rights to all upon the age of consent. I have many posts on this theme so I won’t go into it again here...
HAHA! Where the fuck are the gay disco lights I hear you say! Patience my dear readers as I want to get a video of them when it’s dark so I’ll post them tomorrow night! In the meantime, I do have to earn a living as no one values anything I do or say online...For now, you will have to live with this:

My workday has a fine view and the first shot is what I now call Asian Bay! Just dealing with the facts here folks!

I Love screensavers!

Bunny Grey:

The things I do for money...Yikes!

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