Golden Rule (WinterSolstice9of12)

In this one, I preface it with some thoughts on the IDW (intellectual dishonest web)...I think my weather sickness may have made me miss a paragraph. That's the way the snow falls! 

The three options facing humanity today: annihilation, imprisonment, or a truly sustainable economic model. My New Earth Commons model premised on a proper understanding of The Golden Rule-- which was always relevant to economics and based on the notions of non-coercion and unnecessary exploitation--with a foundation of ending coercion and exploitation of humanities basic needs which I call The FourPillars--housing, food/water, education, and healthcare.This is a sane practical way forward as an alternative to annihilation or imprisonment options!

I'll cover imprisonment first as it seems the likeliest at the moment given all the trajectories. We'll assume that a sane idea like mine will be dismissed so we go from there. The imprisonment option is what Alex Jones has ranted about for decades and he's quite right. We're already seeing unprecedented prison for profit systems by the Cabal and this will only get worse as conditions deteriorate over the coming century. Many soon will be unable to pay their debts and will be imprisoned also--this is how the Cabal rolls--they're evil! At best we may get hi-tech mega cities under technocratic fascist control--this is already happening in major cities around the world--it will only get bigger and worse--the totalitarian control.

Most of the world's religions predicted disaster for humanity: this is consistent with a 'demiurge oversoul' and its archons knowing the future as they control destiny here. Most scientists today are predicting various collapse scenarios so we have a rare convergence of science and religion which isn't too surprising from a Christian Gnostic perspective as the archons control everything. It also explains why a sane option like my New Earth Commons Civilization gets dismissed. They're well aware of The Golden Rule and do everything possible to make sure everyone breaks it--this virtually ensures your imprisonment as you're not getting out of this Matrix if you practice these kinds of coercion and exploitations.

I'll touch on the notion that earth is a school. It could be. Hinduism is likely the religion most amenable to this idea. Here are the problems with it from my perspective. We don't have free will as the ego is a false construct! Yes, the Matrix is very real but the thing you think you are isn't-- it's a false construct and it doesn't have freewill-not any kind that matters anyway. Yes, free will exists on higher planes, IMO, but not here in the way Hinduism teaches and this, then, would make the idea of karma wrong! Christian Gnosticism would teach that you are a Divine essence and you've no karma here! Just the need to realize the condition you're in and refuse to play the machinations of the slave masters. In my opinion, don't make any agreements with the archons when you die!They're lying to you! Demand access to the higher planes instead!!! 

Here are some other problems with the school notion: no one seems to know what the lesson is ( of course, I do:), no one seems to know the rules--it seems that anything goes! Someone wiped our memories so that fact alone has left us helpless; the teachers most often act like sick psychos, the rumor mill has it that those who could show us the truth can't because they're under obligation to not show signs of proof of higher dimensions...and well, at that point I just shake my fuckin' head and go what kind of  insane fuckin' school is this and who made the fuckin' lunatic rules!

 No thanks...Don't break The Golden Rule and realize that you're not what the archons tell you-youare!

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