Everything is aligning now - TF, Health


Two weeks ago I have been told in the deep meditative state that the areas of finances, relationship and health will align very synchronistically for me in the very near future, and it seems that the time has come now.

As to my Twin Flame journey, finally it is solved. It turned out that my Twin Flame's boss, a woman which in my eyes always appeared very sly and deceitful, had been weaving shenanigans from the very beginning last year. Back then my TF harbored incredible attraction toward me, something that totally escaped my notice until one day I was receving the unmistakable message in the meditative state that she is my TF. Since I immediately knew that she is the "One", I decided to give her a piece of paper with "I like you on it", because I clearly felt that she would never have the courage to approach me. From that point on a sheer endless time of misunderstandings developed, the cause of which remained hidden to me for some time until I had clear dream messages that her female boss literally hates me ( the reason of which I won't get into for now).

Anyways, I felt that back then already, and I suspected that her boss told her right off that I already have a girlfriend and probably added that she should definitely let her fingers away from me if she doesn't want to get hurt. One night I was clairsentiently feeling that I hit the mark with my assumption, so that I wrote her that, but circumstances had it that this relationship had been put to a stop.


The TF journey was so tough that I interestingly enough told to myself quite often that"I am irreversibly ill". At the same time, a birthmark I have been having since early childhood on my upper right arm, not really big, came ever more into my focus, to the extend that I planned to have it removed by a doctor in two weeks because it had tiny black dots at the core. I had it checked but they said there is nothing wrong with it, but somehow I didn't believe that.

BUT, as I still had the message in my mind that finances, relationship and health will all be aligned and healed simultaneously, I was pondering. What I noticed over the last six day is that my birthmark has been getting smaller and smaller, and right now it has already shrinked about 65% compared to its original size ( it was about 0,5cm originally).

This night was the night where FINALLY the energetic root malign energy ( probably carcinogenic) of this birthmark has been completely dissipated, and I was being told that this very dense energy was the exact result of her female boss's Intention, and so I was told that now is the point where very same energy will now be send back to its source, her boss. So she will feel the consequences necessary until she will have learnt her lesson, yet requesting that it won't be too draconic. Nevertheless, her malintention, despite being of great use to our spiritual growth, led to very tough experiences for me and my TF, so getting back her energy is only the right thing now.

I will write an update to all of this soon.

Until then,


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