Intoduction Post " Exploring one's Nature "

Hello everyone. My name is Boris and I am 21 years old young gentelman who is going to share his unusual life story.
This life story consist of multiple aspects of self-growth and exploration. I do not relate myself to those group of people who use their analysis and based on that share the story. I am the prime paricipator of multiple stories that will be shared over here. Fanatism and exaggarated forms of speach are left behind. I am here to share my multidimensional life experience from a scientific stand point. Structure of other dimensions and enrgetic exchange of any forms of nature explained in physics. My multidimensional experience would not be so rich without having my superabilities such as clairvoyance and clairaudience. It all happaned when I was 18 years old and the process that happaned to me is called Quantum Activation of Your Energetic Field ( or simply energy within you ). In esoterism its known as Re-birth of your soul.
I do not prefer to use the esoteric method of expressing my experience, because the scientific is more accurate and precise.
On my page I will share my stories such as " Multidimensional interaction with other highly evolved being of 4,5,6 dimensions using my abilities. In addition conscious travelling in dimensions of astral and ether. I have been on other planets and other constellations. Also I have had a sexual intercourse with reptilian woman in etheric realm. Multiple things will be shared. Have your patience becuase there is a possibility that your conscious will be expanded. !


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