Spiritual Benefits of Fasting


It might not be our favorite subject because we all love food, but fasting has many benefits.

More and more we hear about Fasting. From water fast, Daniels fast, intermittent fasting, to dry fast, and the list goes on and on. And many health benefits have discovered by fasting. But is there benefits to fasting more than just the physical?

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Many prophets and kings throughout history have been know to fast for answers about their kingdom, or their people, or when they were unsure of life's problems in general.

The King of Kings, Jesus Christ, after being baptized fasted for 40-days. He has also been know to say "come follow me". He was setting an example for us to learn the art of fasting for spiritual benefits.

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By giving up food we deny our natural carnal desire and change our focus from the temporal realm to the spiritual realm. It can be difficult and we have resistance to stay in the temporal world and eat food. But if we stay strong we can overcome the pain and tap into a fasted spiritual state in the spiritual spiritual realm and reap the spiritual blessings.

Fasting leads us to slow down and it becomes a meditation for our soul. While fasting, prayer amplifies the effect "Ask and ye Shall receive". In this state we can receive spiritual answers more clearly. Solutions to problems, creative ideas, and seemingly clear meditative experiences.

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Fasting brings spiritual happiness and joy into our life. We are making a decision to die in our flesh and seek greater things of a might God. A sense a peace and accomplishment comes over as we fast because we are intentionally not eating, therefore by doing nothing we are actually accomplishing a goal we've set out to achieve.

Fasting opens up our hearts to receive more of Gods love, including the companionship of the Holy Ghost. The gift of the Holy Ghost is the greatest gift we can receive, but we must prepare our "vessel" to receive it.

Also, Fasting breaks Satan's strongholds. If you're struggling with an addiction, or problems that you can't seem to shake, begin fasting with faith to know that the fast can break Satan's grip over you.

Fasting is one of the most over looked and powerful tools that we've been given in this life for success, most people just don't use it. Start small, skip one meal first, then ease your way into 2 meals. Always check with your doctor first!


I did a 6-day water only fast, and by the 5th and 6th day of fasting a prayer I was physically weak, but spiritually and mentally euphoric! It is worth it and I am due for another one.

Have faith that this is true and live by it. Hidden treasures of knowledge will be revealed unto you.

Peace, Vital Brad

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