Are we really moving forward or just fooling ourselves?


I'd like to believe that but as a whole. We are consistently making our decisions based on fear. This is evident when you look at what we all allow in the world and do nothing to stop it. Just following orders and no one really does much to stop it or they will become a target and you can't get everyone to stand behind an idea as everyone is either distracted, or divided, fighting among themselves or have no clue to what's going on. Too busy with their lives trying to be successful in a system that is set to keep you down in chains. There is a small percentage of people trying to make a difference and live differently but even they are divided. Not actually standing United on a single thing. I live in realty and though I have a reasonable amount of people around me that do see the real truth and do their best to create change. I won't allow that to blind me to the vast amount that are not part of that in so many ways. Would not even be 1% who are actually fully aware. The rest are against one way or another even if they don't know and most people who think they are awake as the buzz word of the decade. They are scattered debating disinformation. Anyone who thinks otherwise has a false sense of security.

Pics by Google images.

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