What Happens After Body Death?

The Wes Penre Papers
(A Journey Through the Multiverse)
The First Level of Learning
Metaphysics Section:
Metaphysics Paper #4 : There is a Light at the End of the Tunnel
-- What Happens After Body Death?
by Wes Penre, Tuesday, March 25, 2011
"1. Abstract

We all, at one time of another, ponder what happens when the body gives up and dies. It happens to us all, but where do we go? Is there a life after death? Without having any proof, many people make up their minds and create a belief system around it; whether it is a religious dogma, a New Age, or a philosophical angle, an agnostic "There may or may not be an afterlife" approach, or the pure atheistic or conservative scientific viewpoint that there is no afterlife.
My purpose with this paper is not to discuss any of the above belief systems. I will immediately take the approach that there is an afterlife and that the soul/spirit lives on after body death. There is no doubt about it, and the evidence for that is far more overwhelming than any so-called evidence that there is not. So our discussion will start on that level and bring it further.
First of all: what is a credible witness and good research when comes to this subject? A credible witnesses is:
someone who is telling a story under hypnosis or during regression therapy by a well trained hypnotist/regression therapist and can describe in details what is happening. This story is then backed up by numerous other witnesses, whom have gone through regression therapy by the same or other hypnotists and tell an almost identical story. The session have been recorded and the questions asked by the therapist is in no way leading. Still, the clients (thousands upon thousands of them) are saying basically the same thing. This has been done and I will refer to these kinds of testimonies and consider them evidence.

single witnesses, who recall from trauma or otherwise, what happened after they died. These testimonies, when credible, include deep emotions on the subject; positive or negative; and sometimes an unwillingness to talk about it. The witness has nothing to gain from telling the story, but quite the opposite; they will more likely be looked upon as strange. We have such witnesses as well, and when their stories are coherent, and/or the person comes across as honest and sincere, I consider that evidence, too. These witnesses may even have looked for help to interpret their experience.
Secondly, what is good research?
We have quite a few hypnotists who have hypnotized a large number of witnesses, who all say the same thing, with a few small differences, which can be expected. These hypnotists are professionals, and some of them didn't even believe in past lives until they stumbled upon a client who contacted incidents both (or either) from past lives and (or) the in-between-lives area. The hypnotist started exploring the subject and found out that these incidents were real.

Perhaps twenty years ago or so, there were not many books written on this subject, but since then, the interest has increased exponentially and there are good books out there now. Some of them are very well researched and don't always coincide with the positive experiences that many people have had between lives. There seems to be a darker side to this as well.
This Paper will present both sides of the story, separately, and we will end with discussing the two and come to some kind of conclusion. We will start with the more positive experiences."


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