Why Spiritual Engagement Should Be The Number One Priority In Life

rosary-716250_1280.jpgSPIRITUAL ENGAGEMENT
“Spirituality is meant to take us beyond our tribal identity into a domain of awareness that is more universal.”

-Deepak Chopra

People seek spirituality through religious establishments for many reasons, including prayer practices, faith, social community, cultural tradition, and more. Have you ever heard of someone joining a religious organization to become happier? Or fully seeking God to be happy? Probably not too often.

Interestingly enough, though, studies have shown a strong link between happiness and spiritual engagement.

I used to think that more money would bring me happiness, that drinking and acting stupid would make me look cool and impress others, and that I needed those things to have a good time. I thought all of that would ultimately make me happy, but my happiness was absent and unfulfilled until I began to seek my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.

At the time, I let society and the “things” of this world mold me and influence my decisions. It almost cost me my life!

I was partying and staying up all night, doing things I shouldn’t have been doing. One night, I was on my way home when I fell asleep at the wheel only half a mile from home. As the tires screeched, I ended up stuck between two massive pine trees.

I know for a fact that God spared my life that night for a reason. A foot or two to the left or right, and I would have died or at least been seriously injured. Instead, I came away with only a small scar on my chin from the steering wheel. I believe that scar was a reminder when I look in the mirror that God has a greater purpose for me.

It didn’t happen overnight, but over time, I kept reflecting on that night. Slowly, I began to read the Bible more, attend church regularly, and drastically improve different areas of my life. My happiness has never been so true and pure.

I’m not saying going to church will make you happy, but it should be a place to seek God, grow spiritually, and have a strong social support system from likeminded people.

God Wants You to Be Happy

You may not expect the Christian Bible to mention about your happiness. Maybe you think it’s all “Thou shalt not’s. But the Bible has many verses on your happiness.

God not only wants you to be happy, but he commands it. The Bible has many verses showing God wants us to be happy:

“Delight yourself in the Lord.” (Psalm 37:4)
“Be glad in the Lord.” (Psalm 32:11)
“Rejoice in the Lord.” (Philippians 3:1)
“Rejoice always.” (1 Thessalonians 5:16)
“Do your acts of mercy with cheerfulness.” (Romans 12:8)
“Serve the Lord with gladness.” (Psalm 100:2)

Through obedience to God, you will find happiness. God finds his happiness over us. Be happy in him knowing that he is happy in us.

Sin Will Rob You of Happiness

God has given us gifts and pleasures in life, but these gifts and pleasures can be turned for evil.

For example, we have all sorts of delicious food to eat, but if we overeat, completely stuffing our faces time and time again, that’s what is known as gluttony, which is a sin. It’s harmful to us.

Is it sinful to drink alcohol? No, but drunkenness is sinful. Sex is a pleasurable gift meant for a marriage, but it very commonly occurs with multiple partners and out of wedlock.

Financial wealth can be another blessing, but many people become greedy, idolizing money so that it is the most important thing in their lives.

Sin is the problem. Sinful acts are meant to be short-lived; they do not lead to long-lasting happiness. A sin is a pleasurable experience that never lasts and is actually meant to be acted upon repeatedly. The pleasure you get when sinning is not as great as the pleasure you can experience in doing what God has made you to do.

I didn’t write this book on happiness to ignore life’s difficulties and deny that we live in a fallen world; we do. I’ve experienced and continue to have struggles in my life. But I experience a more consistent, heartfelt gladness and joy in my life because of my relationship with my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.

Seeking your spiritual engagement is about connecting with God on a personal level and fulfilling God’s purpose for your life.

What Are Some Ways to Seek Spiritual Engagement?

  1. Study the Bible

Get excited to learn what God left us. The Bible is truly God’s gift to us. It is the ultimate plan on how we should be living our lives each day.

The Bible has answers and solutions to life’s most common problems, like issues with marriage, money, pride, depression, purpose, relationships, faith, and much, much more.

I was really shocked when I started reading the Bible more. The Bible is bursting at the seams with wisdom and knowledge on life’s most complicated questions.

I admit that the King James Version is not the easiest to read or understand. That’s why I recommend reading the New International Version (NIV); it’s a lot more accessible.

Not everyone has a Bible handy, but the great thing is that there are free apps for your phone, tablet, or computer that provide full versions of the Bible. The ones I recommend are NIV Live and Holy Bible, both of which are free and have a lot of cool features.

  1. Read Bible-Based Books

Even after you read the Bible, some topics are more easily understood by an expert who researches and spends countless hours or even years on a certain topic. There are many great insights that you may have not picked up on if you were reading about that topic in the Bible. That’s why I love reading transformational books on certain topics that relate to the Bible.

There are many great Christian books out there, but a few of my favorites are The Purpose Driven Life by Rick Warren, Crazy Love by Francis Chan, and Money, Possessions and Eternity by Randy Alcorn.

Daily Devotional books are also great for connecting spiritually. Daily devotionals are helpful because they get us in the spiritually engagement habit every day. These books usually have a daily lesson, Scripture and empowering thoughts about that Scripture. Of course, these days there are also great, free apps that update each day.

Here is a list of popular devotional books:

Suggested for Women:

*Trusting God Day by Day: 365 Daily Devotions by Joyce Meyer
*Jesus Calling by Sarah Young
*Portraits of Devotion by Beth Moore

Suggested for Men:

*The Duck Commander Devotional by Alan Robertson
*The One Year Uncommon Life Daily Challenge by Tony Dungy and Nathan Whitaker
*A Man After God’s Own Heart by Jim George

  1. Meditation

By now, many people are familiar with the concept of meditating. There are great reasons why so many people meditate. Just to name a few. Meditating can improve your mood and emotional intelligence. Meditating can help you get a better night’s sleep. Also helps you to stress less, beat anxiety and of course boost our happiness.

There are many different types of mediation, including sitting meditation, mindfulness meditation, and breathing meditation.

One of the easiest to start with is breathing mediation. Deep breathing is a well-known exercise for relaxing the body. Here’s an ideal way to perform this exercise:

  1. Close your eyes in a quiet place.

  2. Inhale air deeply.

  3. Hold your breath for a count of four.

  4. Exhale slowly, counting to six as you do.

Ideally, you should repeat this process at least four times. Remember to notice your abdomen rising and contracting as you inhale and exhale.

If something like this is not your style, I would encourage you to give another type of mediation a try.

I realize mediation is not for everyone, but I encourage you to try it out, even if its only for a couple of minutes out of the day.

One highly recommended resource is LiveandDare.com. This blog has many detailed tips on meditation.

  1. Prayer

Prayer is about spending time with God and developing that personal relationship. Prayer is our chance to humbly seek God, knowing that he hears, loves, and responds to us—though not always in the manner we would like, expect or desire.

Prayer should be part of a daily routine. No time spent with God is ever wasted. Prayer is an essential part of spiritual engagement. Asking God for wisdom and guidance on certain situations is a powerful thing.

A couple things worth pointing out about what prayer is NOT:

I. Prayer is not magic. God is not our genie. He does not exist to grant us our wishes.

II. Prayer does not make demands. God is the almighty creator of the universe; he is does not take orders from us. We can make requests but not demands.

III. Prayer does not protect against suffering. Many people think that, because God is a loving god and wants what’s best for us, he wouldn’t allow us to suffer in this life. Actually, the Bible tells us the complete opposite.

There are two great verses in the Bible that address this issue:

“In this world, you will have trouble” (John 16:33)

“Dear friends, do not be surprised at the painful trial you are suffering, as though something strange were happening to you. But rejoice that you participate in the sufferings of Christ, so that you may be overjoyed when his glory is revealed.” (1 Peter 4:12)

Use prayer to connect spiritually with God. Three key things to remember are that God is all-knowing, he is always with us, and he never gives us more than we can handle. Seek happiness through god and you shall receive.

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