Crystals and Stones During Pregnancy and Childbirth

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Pregnancy is such a transformational time for the mother who is bringing a new life into this world. She is feeling things she has never felt before in her life because she is creating a whole new life inside of her. There is an energy within her that is shared with her unborn child that carries on with her throughout the entire pregnancy. This energy comes from a place that is really unexplainable in this world. The journey of motherhood is so sacred and magical and can make us more aware of ourselves and our surroundings.

Crystals and stones can be used during this sacred time from conception to the birth. These crystals and stones that come from the Earth carry an energy that can help the mother during her sacred journey. There are many different crystals and stones that can be used, however I have chosen the ones that resonated with me the most. It is important to find stones and crystals that you feel a connection to. We are all different and may feel drawn to different stones for different reasons. This is why it is so important to follow your intuition, which is usually heightened during this time, and choose the crystals and stones that truly speak to you and will help guide you through this time.

The list below shows the stones that I have used so far in this pregnancy and what I plan on using during my labor and delivery. This is a very short list and there are many other stones and crystals to use for conception through delivery!

Rose Quartz- It is considered the stone of unconditional love because it encompasses all different forms of love. It provides overall balance emotionally and allows peace and security within us which then allows us to connect on all levels to our babies and also ourselves. Promotes a strong bond between the mother and baby.

Amethyst- Is a powerful crystal that promotes positive energy while absorbing the negative energy. It is known as a crystal of protection and brings a sense of peace, happiness, calmness, and overall balance. It can also help with relaxation and insomnia by releasing any tension throughout the body. This stone can be helpful during labor because it can also provide inner strength.

Unakite- It is excellent for overall health and wellness for the mom and baby during pregnancy. This is a very healing stone that also provides protection. It can be used during labor to keep the mother calm, focused and intuitive.

Quartz Crystal- This stone is healing overall and provides many different uses. It brings harmony, stability, and balance within oneself. Can be beneficial for healing and protection.

Lepidolite- Lepidolite is a stone of transition, rebirthing, balance, and protection. This is a great calming and relaxing stone perfect for pregnancy and childbirth since it can provide emotional stability.

Moonstone- This stone is known to raise feminine energy and intuition and is considered a stone of protection. It is very good when used during pregnancy and childbirth. Brings overall harmony by easing any stress, fear, or tension the mom may be carrying.

Fluorite- Brings clarity by raising focus and consciousness. The energy brings balance, peace, relieves fear, and tension. This is a very calming stone. This stone can also be used to enhance the strength of other stones.

Aventurine- A gentle stone that brings an overall sense of calmness, peace, and happiness. It can give one inner strength and positivity.

Green Moss Agate- This is a great balancing stone overall that provides strength, harmony, courage, protection and healing. A grounding stone that eliminates fear, anxiety, and stress. It is a stone of new beginnings.

Golden Quartz- This is a soothing but powerful stone. It is a known healing stone that works to balance the mind and body. Can bring one peace, joy, and happiness through its’ energy.

Citrine- Citrine is a stone that can increase the power and energy in oneself because it is such a positive stone. It does not absorb negative energy and is uplifting, bringing positive energy and eliminating any fears.

Smoky Quartz- A very grounding stone that can protect from negative energy and promote more positive energy. Relieves tension and negativity in the mind and body and can aid in any depression so it is a great to use postpartum as well.

Aquamarine- Brings courage, power, and protection when one is in fear. It is also a stone of self-love.

Pyrite- Very grounding stone that brings mental stability in oneself. I will be using this stone in labor as it is known as a stone of protection.

Green Calcite- Restores a positive balance within oneself by providing stability mentally and emotionally. This is a great healing stone.

Turquoise- Brings peace and protection and rids negative energy. It can also be used during labor and childbirth to ease pain and cramps. When this stone is used with copper its power will be increased.


I plan to use these crystals and stones as a visual reference to my strength and to let go of any fear while I am laboring. They are currently on an alter that is next to my bed. During my pregnancy I have used them while I am meditating and saying different affirmations depending on the stone. I also have a birthing necklace that my grandmother in law made for me which has turquoise in it. I requested the turquoise to be in the necklace because not only has this been a stone that I have always felt very connected to, but I also want the baby to born into a place of peace and protection. The necklace also contains a small piece of copper wire that she added in order to magnify its’ energy.

These are the crystals and stones that I have found resonated with me personally the most throughout this journey. Like I stated before, there are so many different crystals and stones that can be used from conception to delivery. They all carry specific energies that will connect with different people in different ways. It is important to find the stones that speak to you!


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