11:11 ... See it Everywhere? ... If so, Then You are Spiritually Awakening...

11:11 Synchronicity... What is It & What Do I Do?


  • Are you Unusually Sensitive? Meaning, you can almost Instantly See past all the Bullshit and See the True Meaning behind Something, when Others cannot?

  • Ever been called an Old Soul?

  • Do You Feel like No One Gets You?

  • Ever Feel Alone in a Room Full of People?

  • Do You Often Drift Off in Deep Thought about the True Meaning of Life?

  • Feel Unsettled like there's Something You're Missing but You Can't Quite put your Finger on it.

  • Do you Find Your Day-to-Day Routine Mind Numbingly Boring and Feel a Subtle, yet Slow Burning Desire for Change.

  • As you get older, Do you feel Less-and-Less of an Emotional attachment to Money or your Material Possessions?

If You're seeing the 11:11 Synchronicity Everywhere, & Resonate with the Above Statements, then You're Being Called by the Light (the Universe) to Awaken.

Don't Panic... Don't Freak Out... Everyone, &, I do mean EVERYONE, eventually goes through this initial Awakening Process whether in this Lifetime or Another... And, if you're seeing it Now, then it is a subtle, yet persistent nudge to OPEN YOUR MIND & STOP DOUBTING YOURSELF.

The Universe is pushing you to Evolve, and cast off your old ways of thinking, Once & for All, and to move a Step Closer to the Light.

So, What do I Do?

To Answer this, I'll tell you a little bit about my 11:11 Experience & share some of My Wisdom of My Spiritual Unfolding.

I started seeing 11:11 everywhere, way back in the late 90's & had no idea, What the Hell was Going On. But, underneath I felt a spark igniting inside me, and even though I didn't know what it was, I could feel, deep down inside, there was this Inner-Drive to Change (Evolve), beginning to grow.

At the time, I was working in Corporate America, & had the World at My Feet.... As a guy in my 20's, I was making a ridiculous about of money, traveling everywhere, and on top of that, I could expense all of my bills, while I was off, jet-setting about. Booze, Women, Endless vacations were my life... I was Living the Life of a Corporate RockStar & Life was Grand.

But, it's Funny how life sometimes gives you everything you want and then It Hits You Right-in-the-Face with the Pie of Reality.... And, you wake up and realize that all of the Shit you thought you Wanted, and Needed, is Fleeting...

That's what happened to me....

Finally, In 2000, My Company went Bankrupt & I was laid off from my Big Money Job & I couldn't have been happier... Looking back, in a Symbolic Way, the Universe was telling me, "Hey, Now is Your Time to Wake Up & Change."

So, Literally on New Years Eve of 2000, I quit Drinking on a Dime (I was a Big Partier back then) & the very next morning I started living a healthier lifestyle and began exercising again.... As a Result, My Mind was much less Clouded and more amiable to receiving Higher Intuitive Knowledge.

Over the next two years, I started turning my attention inwardly and started shedding my Old Party Friends.... Luckily, I began dating a woman, who helped push me in the right direction and loaned me some of her Spiritual Books on Shamanism, Buddhism, Reincarnation, etc. And, I spent the next five years, reading and meditating (Pondering) on the literature I'd just read and it was Amazingly Enlightening, & helped enormously in my Spiritual Unfoldment....

And, now, nearly 20 years later, looking back, I have to smile at My 11:11 Synchronicity b/c it marked the beginning of my Awakening......... And to Help You, just like My Mentor did for me, (the woman who I'd mentioned above) here's some of the Wisdom that Helped me along My 11:11 Awakening Path.

TIPS for 11:11 Awakening

  1. We are Here to Learn Lessons... NOT TO BE TESTED... Pain, Suffering, and Adversity are Our Teachers.

  2. So, Instead of Fretting, Freaking Out, or becoming Depressed when Shit Goes Wrong. Take a Step Back... Chill the Fuck Out & Meditate (THINK) on/about the Deeper Lesson. You will more than likely discover it. Some times, it may take years but eventually Your Truth will reveal itself.

This happens to me ALL the TIME, Now, & I find Myself Smiling More-and-More when I'm constantly Reminded by the Universe, that it is Working for Me, & Not Against Me.

Also, Don't take Life so Seriously... We are Eternal Beings, residing in Temporary Corporal Vessels to learn lesson in the Physical Realm. That's why the Physical Universe exists.

  1. The Universe HATES... DESPISES... & ABHORS Stagnation. Life is meant to be Fluid & Ever Changing... Created, Destroyed & Re-created, Again-and-Again-and- .... So, if you start to Stagnate, & don't continue to Look for the Deeper Meanings behind things, You can Count on the Universe bringing its Three Teachers of (Pain, Suffering, & Adversity) to nudge you forward again. It always happens.

  2. Things Happen for You... Not, to You...

As You Awaken More.... You'll start to notice emotionally, you won't get too high, nor too low. In other words, You start to gravitate toward Walking the Middle Path.

To help you move toward the Middle Path, I'd recommend to stop Lashing Out and Constantly Reacting to the Thought "the World is Out to Fuck Me Over," but instead, turn inwardly, and use Introspection to discover the Inner Meaning behind Events in your Life. You'll start to learn the Universe's Intended Lessons, quicker, & hence Your Spiritually Unfoldment will come at a faster pace.

  1. A lot of People say "Shed Your Ego & You'll Awaken" but this is Bullshit... You need your Ego & here's why.

Your Ego keeps you grounded in your Corporal Body. If you did not have an Ego, you'd be Disassociated from your Body & hence would not be able to undergo your Worldly Experiences & learn your lessons... I know, b/c I performed a technique, where I actually detached from my Ego & that was a HUGE MISTAKE & it took me nearly a Week of Re-Grounding Work to repair my Psyche..... It was a Real Mess, & as I learned, if you Banish Your Ego you can cause yourself to have serious Mental Illnesses...

Instead, you want to "Walk the Middle Path" & use Daily Introspection to analyze the events, people & happenings in your life....

  1. ALL the ANSWERS You Seek, Reside within YOU

There are MANY Spiritual Paths to take, & if you keep exploring them, like Buddhism, Shamanism, Hinduism, Christianity, New Age, Kabbalah, Wicca, Hermetic Magick, etc. You will eventually find the right path for you..

For me, I've intensely explored most of the Ones mentioned above, & like many Spiritual Practitioners, I've taken a little from each to create My Own Practice and its helped me immensely...

But, of all these Practices the Biggest Lesson I had to learn was "Stop Panicking when Shit Goes Wrong, but instead, Relax, realize it is a Lesson to be Learned, and Look inwardly, & the Answers will come to You." ...I promise they will..... And, often Times Your Answers will come to you in an Instant, if you just listen to Your Intuition...

  1. You are NOT the Annoying, Nagging Voice in Your Head.... That is Your Ego speaking & it Works for You... Not the Other Way Around... You are in Charge!

In the past My Inner Egoistic Voice ruled me, & kept me into a Constant State of Reacting, again-and-again, until I learned to Reign It In.... Now, that Annoying Inner Voice that once caused me so much anguish is Completely Under My Command...

Here's How to Harness Your Inner Egoistic Voice....

Anytime a Thought "Pops" into your head, you have the choice to Accept or Reject it. This is YOUR FREEWILL.... So, try this when your Ego leaves you a Nasty-Gram in your mind. You can say or think these words: "I Banish, Deny, & Reject that Thought."

As a result, Your Ego Will Fight Back like a Mother Fucker & Bombard you with even more shitty thoughts.... But, if you are Persistent, Your Ego will bend to your Will & back off....

My Battle with my Ego Lasted about 10 Days, when I started this technique & it got REALLY BAD around Day 7 with Nasty-Grams popping into my mind about every 10-15 seconds.

However, I didn't give up, & just kept Pouring on the phrase, "I Banish, Deny, & Reject that Thought"....

I even started visualizing Uber Happy Thoughts like Puppies running through a field of Daisies, trampling over the Bad Thoughts. Or, Spraying down & Showering the Negative Thoughts with a Fire-hose spewing PURE Angelic Light.... Needless to say, by Day 10, My Ego had had enough & threw in the towel.... And, ever since then, I hardly ever get any Negative thoughts popping into my mind, anymore. And, I don't have nightmares anymore... Not at all..

(AGAIN, Just as a Word of Caution... DO NOT BANISH YOUR EGO... It would be VERY BAD.)

Anyway, if you are Experiencing the 11:11 Synchronicity, then You're Being Called to Your Awakening....

And, I Hope I've Helped Push You in the Right Direction!

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Love & Blessings!

  • Steem Weaver

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