New World Order Bible Versions (The Differences of Bibles) XXX

Everyone must submit to governing authorities.  Everyone must obey their government and the principalities.  This is what these new Bibles are teaching people.  Just sit down, shut up and obey your government at all cost necessary.  But this is not at what the King James version Bible teaches us at all!

The beginning of Romans chapter 13 in the King James version Bible says, "Let every soul be subject unto the higher powers. For there is no power but of God: the powers that be are ordained of God. 2 Whosoever therefore resisteth the power, resisteth the ordinance of God: and they that resist shall receive to themselves damnation."

The word damnation is completely taken out of the New King James version Bible.

The New Living Translation takes this verse and makes it say, "Every person must obey the leaders of the land. There is no power given but from God, and all leaders are allowed by God. 2 The person who does not obey the leaders of the land is working against what God has done.  Anyone who does that will be punished."  This is not true.  Because one day Satan is going to be put into power, and that government is not the kind of government that we need at all.  But, that's where it's heading.  The New World Order, and all these globalist freaks want that kind of rule, and to rule over the people; take their guns away, take their rights away and control the people of earth.  The dragon gave him his authority it says in Revelations 13, and not only that but in Hosea it says they've set up Kings, but not by  me.

They say nothing about the higher powers. And, instead of saying what the King James is teaching people, and saying, "For there is no power but of God: the powers that be are ordained of God." they are saying that there is no power given but "from" God and not "of" God, and all leaders are allowed "by" God, whereas the King James says, "the powers that be are ordained "of" God.  You see what they are doing here is they are twisting the words in their favor and not only of Gods, but mans favor.  And mans favor to do what they are doing is sometimes crooked and wrong and evil.  These people are not "of" God when they are not even "for" God.  These people are not put into office "by" God either.  God knew who would be where they are in life, but that doesn't make these people righteous to do the kinds of things they do.  Remember, where there is no justice, there is no liberty, and when you can't get morality and justice hand in hand, you can't get liberty as well - so, there are a lot of people who walk among us who have neither.  Like myself and many other people who are being constantly badgered by a system that just wants people to give them enough reason to be within it.  They need people to be in their systems because these people need jobs, and without as many arrests as they make, they wouldn't have jobs, so they need to create them.  And, that is where crisis acting and false flag attacks come into play.  They all help out their agenda's, and their agenda's are wrong.  They're screwing people out of life and liberty.

Just acknowledge the fact that nobody on this earth has thee legitimate authority except for God.  Why do children have to obey their parents wishes?  Because the Bible teaches that, but - why do we have to obey the government at all?  Why do we even have any respect for human government?  Because God told us that we need human government to punish those who pervert the system, and to punish evil doers.  This was to protect the innocent from those that would harm them.  So, what do you do when it's a person, within the government that wants to harm you?  And, you're innocent.  And, you're feeling under attack and treated wrongly.    

There are times when people of authority have been placed there against the will of God.  Such as why in the New Living Translation it says, "pay your taxes because the leaders of the land are servants for God who care for these things. 7 Pay taxes to whom taxes are to be paid. Be afraid of those you should fear. Respect those you should respect. "

Also why in the New International Version Bible it says, "This is also why you pay taxes, for the authorities are God’s servants, who give their full time to governing. 7 Give to everyone what you owe them: If you owe taxes, pay taxes; if revenue, then revenue; if respect, then respect; if honor, then honor."  But, this is not at all what the King James teaches.  This is taking Gods word and making it work out for the human power, and even the people who are against God, who are also in power.  You see what they are doing here.

And, I'm not saying to not obey your government because that is what we are supposed to do.  But it comes within a scope, where they aren't abusing their powers, and that you are actually protected and not hurt worse.  They are supposed to work within certain parameters of what they're supposed to be doing.  And, when they aren't doing these things, they are corrupt and you are experiencing tyranny in it's finest form.  Also, the whole higher powers is there, as a check and balance that people seem to forget. 

Some people think that the New King James version is the same as the original King James version Bible, and this isn't true at all as well.  There is many parts of the New King James version that departs from the textus receptus where it's not saying the same thing at all as the original text.  Some people say, well - in order to know truthfully what the Bible is telling us, you have to get a Greek bible and learn from the Greek.  And, this isn't true at all.  The Bible is still alive, and well, people just have to get smart and wake up!  The world is damning people from knowing the truth because the world is highly incapable of learning the truth, even from schooling and how they are indoctrinating the kids these days to obey their government and do what you're told.  But, I'm here to tell you that these people are gearing you up for something that they are working on, and they've been working on it for a really long time.  

Sidenote: I wrote out New World Order Bible Versions (The Differences of Bibles) xxx already once...  and once removed.  It was posted, and I saw the post with my own eyes, and come back a day later and it's taken offline.  Gee, I wonder why?  Must be a strong message to leave my writing online where anyone can see it and decide for themselves what to believe, because it holds a truth that people are unaware of and criticizes these new teachings from modern bibles.  But, people can make up their own minds on what they want to believe or not believe.  I'm just stating the facts here, and what I've been running up against.  Even online where powers are supposedly able to take my posts completely offline even after seeing them live and completed.  NICE!  So, who's working against me in getting the word out there for people willing to read it?

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