Giving and Receiving: The Process

The law of giving and receiving is one of the most powerful spiritual laws, bearing plenty of prosperity and success. All relationships between people are built precisely on this law. Giving and receiving go hand in hand and are both sides of a coin. Namely, the more we give, the more we receive, because in this way we allow the abundance of the universe to circulate in our lives. Giving generates receiving and receiving - giving. If we interrupt the flow of either, we stop the whole process.


Although it seems easy, it turns out this is not exactly the case. In fact, we often don’t know exactly how to give, because we are confused by the misconceptions about the giving process, our constraining beliefs and fears. We also don’t know how to receive - many of us have barriers, subconsciously think they don’t deserve the gifts of the Universe.


Sometimes we think we give a lot and we are offended that we don’t receive enough. We've all heard how some outraged parents talk - how they’ve given so much to their children, and they - the "ungrateful" kids, don’t even give them the attention and respect they need and deserve.

I suppose you've watched how sometimes people do good, but they don't get good in return, and maybe you, yourself sometimes feel neglected and used for sharing, giving gifts and services to people and pleasing them, and when you need it , there is nobody to return the favor. And you are asking, "Should I give, since there is no gratitude, isn’t it naive and stupid to give after I don’t receive anything?"

The motives.

In fact, this is the first and the main mistake of giving - our motives. When we give in order to receive, this action is not lined with energy. Although it sounds paradoxical - only when we give with a pure intention to support and when we don’t expect to get something in return, then we receive.

If you think that your relatives and everyone around you is ungrateful, you need to analyze your motives deeply. In many cases, we are not aware of our true motives. Often, people who give themselves up and never refuse to help, do this because they are subconsciously seeking approval and appreciation from others. They believe that this is the only way for others to accept them. Although they do good, they don’t realize that they are driven by fear, despair, and the need to receive attention and love.


If you analyze your behavior, understand that you have acted with subversive motives to receive, don’t blame yourself. You just need to know that such giving is not a real giving and doesn’t give birth to something good. Remember that in order to receive something, our actions must be driven by love and acceptance of oneself and of others, not of need, fear, despair or guilt. We should not expect anything special from someone if we give it to him. Because then it is a kind of manipulation. As if we were telling him - "I gave you something, now you have to give me something in return."

And coercion always repels. If we constantly expect to receive something, we will spend our lives in disappointment and we will always think that people don’t treat us well.


Giving must be desirable. If we do it reluctantly, it won’t work. Giving shouldn’t be an obligation. So if you feel like you’re damaging yourself, if you think you’re making a great sacrifice, it's even better to not give at all.

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Giving is not just about money.

Typically, giving is associated with money and material things. Many people think they can’t give because they have no money. But actually, at the energy level, it doesn’t matter what you give. This can be moral support, affection, tenderness, a good word, smile, one flower, etc. We always have something to give.
According to Deepak Chopra in The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success, the Second Spiritual Law of Success is the Law of Giving. He writes:

"The gifts of caring, attention, affection, appreciation, and love are some of the most precious gifts you can give, and they don't cost you anything. "

Giving unsolicited good.

Many of us are taught to help whenever they can, and of course not bad, but engrossed in our altruism, we sometimes interfere in people's lives without even realizing it. Such help is often not a help at all. Everyone has the right to make choices and grow, and an interference can prevent his lessons from being learned or can make them dependent on us.


I really like the saying:

"Don’t give fish to a hungry person, but teach him how to catch it himself."

So often, if we just give someone something we think he needs, we prevent him from learning to achieve it by himself. It’s better to teach him how to achieve what he seeks. So he won’t be dependent on others and the effect will be lasting. Then we really would have given him a lot.

Give yourself.

Never forget yourself. You may be a good and noble person who always helps others, but you are also a person. Remember that you’re the most important person in your life and you can really help others when you feel good about yourself. If you want to get love and attention, give love to yourself, take care of yourself, put yourself first. Don’t expect others to treat you better, if you don’t treat yourself good.


Accept with joy and gratitude everything you give. Learn to accept with gratitude. When someone gives you something, don’t rush to frown if it's not enough, or if it's not what you need. Just smile and thank him. When we value what we get, we start getting more and more.


You deserve it.

Whatever you do, whatever you have accomplished in your life, whatever your material situation, remember that you deserve the best! There is no need to do something in order to earn something, because it is your birthright.

When they compliment you, don’t rush to deny the good words that are said to you.

If they do something special for you, don’t run away with the justification that you can’t accept it. By saying that you can’t accept something, it means you think you don’t deserve it. And you deserve everything the universe has to offer. So accept everything with a smile and gratitude.

Get rid of the guilt.

When we feel guilty, we repel the things we want. We happen to refuse help just because we feel guilty that we can’t make up for it. Know that there will surely be a time when you will be able to return the gesture in one way or another and to thank.

For conclusion, I will write some steps you can follow to start the giving process. I haven't come up with them, I am just spreading Deepak Chopra's wisdom (in my opinion). Here are the steps:

  • Wherever you go, whoever you meet - give. Give attention, give kindness, give love. Giving doesn't have to be related to material things.
  • Be open to receive. Receive sun's brightness, birds' songs, the first snow during winter (I, personally, don't want to accept that present, haha..) Be open to receive everything nature and other people give you and do it with gratitude.
  • Promise yourself to continue the process of giving and receiving life's gifts. Every time you meet someone, wish them happiness, joy and everything good

Thank you for reading!

I really hope you will find this post helpful. :)


  1. Deepak Chopra
  4. PsychologyToday


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