Do not criticize, but empathize


I hope this writing opens your eyes. In case you hold them, you don't. You must have realized or been hurt when you were young, so we're going to the defense team very consciously, and since we have a routine, we're going to forget ourselves there. But let's wipe the early morning crayon out of our eyes and try it anyway.

We don't want to, or will find time to look at everything from side to side, as it is. At least how I see it is, that is not the only truth. I'm just going to give you a perspective on how this crepe looks, because at least that's how I have some answers to it.

If I told you that the whole world is full of lies and our understanding and trust are so in conflict because of this abuse that people do but don't admit. Would you believe that, or maybe our subconscious program is telling us to distrust it? Most people manipulate others when they don't like anything, or want to do things their own way, when they like that they can love themselves as well, but through control and still so that other loved ones have to be grateful to them for life. That thing used to be called power, I don't know what it's called these days. That's for that, but... it's so hard to express the word honesty. It's always going to be so conflict with everything, the feeling of having to get out of the rules and the matrix to invent a bicycle, because you know, maybe new information will come to us that will help you find answers from a different perspective.

Perhaps, just as in the case of a bad hearing and a sore nose, a person is more upset because he is uncomfortable - the same applies to self-expression. When words and energies go on behind it like energetic trojan horses, we ourselves are getting a little upset, too, because we can't find the right language to explain things. Perhaps all the words and their energies have been confused by the emphasis, the expression, the eye-glaze, and the note of voice? Is there going to be an appearance? Hell knows, but something's wrong here, and it's not exactly as we've been taught or served.

People confuse honesty and lying. If you choose what you say, it's not lying, holy fuck, come help. People can put a dirty wave of criticism on the side of honesty. Empathy often seems to be completely lacking in some, but no “they wanted good after all”, so no offense snowflake. Don't take a breath.

"Hey, you! “Fuck you. ”But don't take your breath. I get it, it's a pretty cool game,“ But fuck you then! ”, and then it's“ Don't bark a puppy! ”.

It's clear. Or you'll remember that first word, snowflake, or that other one, flower child, all right, I'll take a second status and keep my drawer far away from the gentleman. I don't like what you say about me, and I go to my cards.

“Don't be arrogant”, “What do you think of yourself?”... follows. I don't know where to find the common language for our two-speech speech, do I? I'm coming back, but I'm not coming.

Well, is there a familiar pattern? Now is the time to take the dog by the tail, so to speak, and shake it. Because, please, the answer is very simple. You're the weaker side, and you're being eaten, realisation what a mistake.

You're actually stronger because you can afford to be weak. As soon as you say sharp words to the assailant, he's not strong enough to accept it. Mentally... physically, of course, he has a strong desire to come and teach things with his hands. This is a big mistake in society right now. Such hysterical and attacking personalities should go home and take a day off, drink broth and sleep long distance yourself.

Why are people so evil by their nature? Not to take your word for it, you're not, you're the best, and you know what doesn't smell.

We always know more about the other. We don't, but we can always lie. We can tell others lightly to be honest. The whole world knows who you are -- someone's father, someone's son, Ants, or Toomas, and so on -- and there are always assumptions and expectations about you.

If you are yourself, know that you are a changing creature and that is normal, the world and everything will change. If you go with the time, learn from the experience, you change. Yet someone comes and tells you, don't act like that, it's not you.

And what I do know, I'm the most selfish person in the world, and it's probably caught up in the word, but it's all my point of view, at least to me, honest and chosen with the truth.

I'm not going to write that I honestly hate flies. Then I should read out several more things that I hate... black holes, mosquitoes... then a long lecture comes to me about how I can't hate anything, even though I didn't think anything of the word.

For me, it was a soft word, perhaps so strong for some, that it mowed down. That's just about every thing. Some of us are about to drink cider under the table, and we're not going to poke him. The one who's going to be a bully is just ♂. A 🤷 ️

But I can share that I love bees. Oh, how else.

How honest do you want to be? Be completely honest. Now the second theme is what you choose to shit out of your mouth. I deliberately use that kind of vocabulary, yes. I have a stick in my hand, and I give you long fingers to my ex. 😂 🥳

Polite elementary ABC of empathic behavior... if a teacher has a falcon on his nose that bothers you, leave that honesty to yourself and tell him you like his stockings he's wearing. Just then don't be surprised to have been invited to the principal's with your parents. (glad my teachers didn't put a goat in their time, love.)

I always share a pleasant honesty, which I notice in someone's case, and my job is to see good in another. Obviously selfish, I look forward to a similar solution from others, but unnecessarily.

Of course, don't tell anyone honestly that “Hey, you got a beautiful ass!”... again, not a good choice sometimes. Believe me, I know my own hand.

Speaking of masks and honesty.

If we wear them, taking them away might mean we're hysterical, attacking others for their behaviour, vocabulary or emotion. I'd like to say it's another mask - anger, but I can't, because it's justified by being honest about your feelings. If that's the truth, then honesty is very malicious. In that case, I say carry on wearing masks, because the truth of all people is confusing because of their own justifications.

However, if they say that these feelings are honest and want to be honest, then I would like to say that honesty is also when something good is seen in someone's case. Now we have reached this important point where a person can choose his or her truth that he or she shares with others. Finally, I got what I've been thinking for a long time, and I'm in a conflict because I don't know what to believe anymore.

I guess that's how everyone says something awesome, and you get to enjoy a poster. The mood goes away and would like to get that bad feeling out of us right now, and maybe let's go infect it on some cute person who can't wait for it? Mm... that's what society is like at the moment, it's the result of that criticism, damn it, just so you don't get caught up in the word again...

Zumzumzum, I'm gonna go run my head against the wall. Hops... grasping at something again. Please, dear needler, this is a gift to you who recognized yourself. Evil beehive.

Don't take the mask out of the way, please, if there's a vicious attack on someone first. You think it was a reaction to something, but in fact the order started with you who made that choice. In the same way, you can start by saying something nice, creating and living. Choose the truth that motivates and rejoices the person. Bloom is naturally prettier than wilting. Bloom is caused by the sun philosophically said goddammit, don't start again. But wilting is good if you don't dip the plant and you're negative. Plants are sensitive to energy, same way humans.

Most people manipulate each other, and the right thing to do is to learn to get along with themselves and certainly not choose to share that honesty, which seems collectively offensive and degrading to everyone.

Everyone has their own truth. Choices too. Empathy is for those who choose to notice the beauty in their truth, acknowledge it, and approach it through motivation. Praises are a topic, criticism really boils down.

Opinions of others come from us, and if it bothers us, and that is honesty, it is, in fact, a pretty ugly honesty, for how nature can be so degrading to the soul. If there is truth to choose, I would choose a solution-motivating-supporting truth, because that is what every human being must have. To see what is good and to say it to others for a change, and not to say the honest truth of self-righteous hatred towards others. Do you understand what I'm trying to say?

Shit mood, be honest, but please don't say it. The other parameters apply. You don't lie when you don't say these things. I mean, feelings are honest inside of you. If you say so, the parameters will change. It's not about honesty anymore, it's about conflict if you say so.

Man by nature is already noticing all kinds of shit and shit, and all the good that's being created. Well, they do have praise, but they do have a terrible taste for criticism. Then they lie that they want to help, but at the same time, praise would help even more effectively. If I don't understand it, I want to raise my hand and admit that I am shocked at the other world with my own ideas, and I won't bother you, because I honestly don't like the criticism that exists in your world. It exists, I accept it, but hand on heart, I don't like it, I say out, it doesn't help me. But praises can motivate you to be even more violent. 🙆 ¥♂ ️

Notice the good, not the bad, it's not lying if you don't tell me you honestly feel bad for someone. There's a big difference between honesty and lying in here.

Nobody wants to see your honest shit. You want it? Well, it's nice if you answer yourself with the lie that yes... You want to. I don't want to, is my opinion, at least from myself. If you say you don't care, don't get upset when they say “honestly” to you.

If you feel that your being is malicious, you better leave the mask on, because in that case, you've created a mask that at least creates goodness for you. It's just our ego's wearing that mask.

Because, in fact, all the light-bearers and teachers have shitty days, they just don't start announcing it to everyone, so others might have the wrong idea or the expectation of a certain person. Don't let it get you wrong, we're people too, we just choose what we want to share.

Well, I do, and I say it when I like something about someone. The rest of the time, I'm just gonna shut Well, there's an exception now. I choose to write like this because it's all important.

Really, sometimes I'd rather not know the honest criticism that I've been eating myself up again. I know that myself. But if you notice that I am more manly, and rather prettier, then don't say anything for God's sake. So simple. It's not hala, it's instruction.

Praise instead of criticism. Is it hard for you to just notice something good in all this and then say it out? But you can't say good, can you, because the others are just jealous, or am I wrong? Let's just make sure that my opinion that everyone wants attention, recognition, and praise is true for some period of lying... and anyone can praise themselves under this article for the “I'm a good 💚” or whatever they want, and I put my heart on everyone to confirm my point of view. Voluntary commitment.

If you notice a mistake in someone, at least be better yourself and do better. 💚 Show example, be a guide. 🙋 ¥♂ ️

What signals and teachings are we going to give to the next generations? In this period, they seem to be living a whole separate life that we know nothing about.

What do they know that we don't know? As adults myself, I remind myself of my youth and request the change to show more interest in young people and what some of the most talented know better than we do. Let's give them a chance. We appreciate them and their openness, because we ourselves are, for the most part, already quietly wilted and bitter, at least not you, but some are. Let's change that. Pineapple candy.

Respect the lessons of other souls that they go through on an individual basis. Don't take a bad look at their learning and experience in this three-dimensional world where other people meet, uh, fax I don't really know anything about these things, but just... please...

The truth, at least as I see it, is not as beautiful as I hoped it would be. The only thing I can do is not start and tell someone bad. If they do this to me, I'll just go away. Nips. Good-bye.

Protect yourself by removing, protect yourself by surrounding yourself with benevolent people. Trust only yourself with that, learn to appreciate loneliness because we are all actually alone, we just grow an illusion on it. If we learn to love ourselves and are strong in dealing with loneliness, then we can really get close to true love, trust and light.

Enough with the paralysis and only notice the good in each other, it's the task of the soul. If you don't understand it, there's nothing left to understand, a beautiful culmination on this journey.

The information is free. Can share, my articles are freebies. My world picture is what she is and zumzumzum.

Here's a heart for you. 💚 🙋 ¥♂ ️ Don't forget to take the blue pill.


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