Ibuku sayang | My Beloved Mother


"Ribuan kilo jalan yang kau tempuh"
"Lewati rintang, demi aku anakmu"

Lirik lagu yang dari musisi kondang Iwan Fals ini memang sangat penuh nilai luhur. Tentang perjuangan Ibu. Tentang pengorbanan seorang Ibu. Demi anak-anaknya.

Thousands of kilometers of roads you've traveled"
"Pass the barrier, for me your child"

The lyrics of the song by the famous musician Iwan Fals are indeed very full of noble values. About Mother's struggle. About the sacrifice of a mother. For the sake of her children


"Seperti udara, kasih yang engkau berikan"
"Tak mampu kumembalas, Ibu"

Sunggguh besar pengorbanan dan perjuanganmu. Terima kasih Ibu. Terima kasih Ibu. Terima kasih Ibu.
Jasa-jasamu sungguh besar.

Like the air, the love you give "
"I can't repay, Mother"

What a great sacrifice and struggle you have made. Thank you Mom. Thank you Mom. Thank you Mom.
Your services are great.


Sosok Ibu tidak tergantikan, bahkan kebaktian kepadamu adalah suatu keniscayaan. Ibu, maafkan anakmu ini belum sanggup berbakti. Tapi, doa dan restumu sangat kunanti.

Mother figure is irreplaceable, even worship to you is a necessity. Mother, I'm sorry your son is not yet capable of filial piety. But, your prayers and blessings are very much appreciated.


Semoga Rahmat, Keberkahan, Pengampunan dan Kasih Sayang Allah Subhanahu Wata'ala selalu menaungimu dunia dan akherat. Semoga engkau bahagia dan sejahtera dunia akherat. Ibuku, senyum dan ridlomu sangat kudambakan.


May the Grace, Blessing, Forgiveness and Love of Allah Subhanahu Wata'ala always overshadow you in this world and the hereafter. May you be happy and prosperous in the hereafter. My mother, your smile and ridlo are very dear to me.

My mom

Foto diambil pada : Sabtu, 15 Januari 2022
Didesa dan kota kelahiran, Walik-Kutasari-Purbalingga

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