Invisible struggle. Chapter 5. On the error of opinion of those who consider excessive sadness a virtue.

In this sin are those who consider it a virtue the excessive grief, visited them after ociania sin, not knowing that this happens to them from pride and conceit, argues that they are too much hope on themselves and their forces. For thinking about themselves that they are something not small, they took on so much, hoping to do to cope with that. Seeing now, from the experience of their fall, that there is no power in them, they are amazed at how those who meet something unexpected, are troubled and feeble, for they see the fallen and prostrated on the earth that very image, that is. themselves, on which they laid all their hopes and hopes. But this does not happen with the humble, who trust one God, I have seen hundreds of good tea from yourself. Therefore, when falls into any sin, although he feels the burden of this and sad, but not myatetsya and does not fluctuate with bewilderment, because he knows that it happened to him from his own powerlessness, the experience of which in the fall for him, not unexpected news.

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