Invisible struggle. Chapter 3. About the hope for the one God and confidence in Him.

Although invisible to our battlefield so necessary, as we said, is not to hope for ourselves, for all that, if we just put all on the hope and otchima, priiskovy other support, or immediately run away from the battlefield, or skoneczna will be defeated and taken prisoner by our enemies. Therefore, together with the renunciation that is perfect from ourselves, we still need to establish in our hearts a perfect trust in God and full confidence in him, that is. it is necessary to feel with full heart that we absolutely have no one to hope for, as for Him alone, and from no one else, as From him alone, we can expect any good, any help and victory. For as from themselves, which ismy nothing, not that we expect anything, except block and falls, because of which otegem all on the hope, on the contrary, skoneczna from God we will receive all the victory, as soon as you prepare your heart alive in Him the hope and full confidence in obtaining help from Him in the following paloscia testimony: "He was votoupal my heart, and He helped me" (PS. 27, 7).

The following thoughts will help us to establish ourselves in this hope and to get all the help we need:

  1. the fact that we seek help from God, who as the Almighty can do whatever he praises, therefore, he can help us.

  2. the fact that we seek it from God, who as the all-Knowing and Wise knows everything in the most perfect way, therefore, he knows well what is suitable for the salvation of each of us.

  3. what you are looking for such help from God, Which is infinitely Gracious with unspeakable love to us, it is always advisable finished with an hour to hour and from minute to minute to submit all the help we need to achieve complete victory in the spiritual battle we are acting just as you britecam to embrace Him with a firm hope.

And how is it possible that our good Shepherd, who walked for three years, looking for the lost sheep, with such a strong voice that his throat is empty, and walked in paths so difficult and thorny that he shed his whole blood and gave his life, as I say, perhaps, that he now, when this sheep goes in his Wake, lovingly addresses to Him and lovingly calls Him for help, did not turn his eyes Upon him, did not take him to his divine ramen, and brought him into a host of Angels heavenly, would you arrange a celebration with them on this occasion? If our God does not cease to seek with great care and love to find, like the gospel drachma, a blind and deaf sinner, how is it possible for him to leave him now, when he, like the sheep of the lost, cries out and calls his Shepherd? And who will believe when, that God who continually pushes in a man's heart, wanting to go in and have supper with him, by the apocalyptic word (Apoc. 3: 20), telling him his gifts, who will believe that this very God, when a man opens his heart to Him and calls Him, remains deaf and does not want to enter into him?

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