The Mind of the Spirit is peace and light

Either you are there calling for the murder, crucifixion, of GOD/Jesus/Son of God/the Messiah/the High Priest/Guru/Teacher/Mediator/the Christ/Anointed by the Deity/ living example of the best that all men women and children are meant to be/ the first of many brethren.

Not the only one nor only Son that is changed to fit the theory of the Trinity, a 3 Headed Jesus/ 3 Gods as one God, no longer the Son that leads to his Father that raised him up sent him did the works was given all the glory says you have killed my son and I will reclaim what is mine then raised him up again.

The LORD said to my lord come and stand beside me till I make your enemies into your footstool/ the Prophet/ the Mouth Piece of God/ The living example of what God is Like in Spirit/the Holy Spirit of Our Father a GOOD Father that loves his children and does not lust after little boys and believe Wealth proves you are righteous in the All Seeing Eye of the Deity, the Judge, the God of Vengence.

Or you are a follower of his good words, not the whole Bible of 66 books and the letters of Paul that says he cannot do what Jesus says and does what Our Father says not to do:the opposite of follow and yet he says to follow him and that example as all Christians have done and been lead away from the Good Words, not the Old Testament the old wineskin already full, not the Torah, not the Talmud not the Tanach, not the Quran not the Hadith.

But directly from the Disciples but beware the tares added to the wheat, like Peter that hears the Voice of God telling you that Jesus is the Christ his SON and Anointed by the Deity, Our Father. Making All human beings the Children of God. Given human flesh bodies the Temples of the Spirit to live in for a while, Angels going to and fro in Jacobs ladder.

The Great Spirit creating little Spirits from itself. The Creator creating the created, ye are Gods just as ye are men either Fe-male or just male. The One able to give life, like GOD, who then is MORE than just a man being a Wo-man?

If you are not able to see and hear these words given in the Gospel, found only in the Gospel according to those that lived with the Messiah for those 3 years.

Then remove the scales from your eyes that are judging everything instead of seeing and looking for the Truth in the Spirit of Truth for what is and is not the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth so help me the God and father in the name of the Christ. Then melt that wax in your ears full of Opinions and the beliefs and interp[retations of others that is not Of Christ for it is not HIS GOOD WORDS nor ever given and spoken by him.

Notice the Disciples never mix in the OT nor prone to give their interpretation and opinion. They all sit there and quote what the Christ told them. What a refreshing thing it would be if all over the world this is what the Pope the Priest the Preacher CVlerics Mullahs Rabbis and Pastors would do. Then let his truth sink in. Let him be the Mouthpiece of God as it was intended.

Following his example of what the best in ma is capable of. By the smallest of seeds of faith that we can do good that we can do our best. We are not cursed condemned to hell unless that is what we choose to create.'

If nothing else they would all be in agreement that Jesus says this, Love one another is the will of God and the only thing that fulfills the law. Shed blood only fulfills one law that annihilates all the others and that is the PAGAN law of the PAGAN GODS Baal Belial and others, that of the without the shedding of blood there is no forgiveness of sins.

That law does nothing to STOP Sin and Sinners from being sinful and hurting others trapped in the carnal flesh and ruled by it instead of the I am disciplining it. Who chooses to Sin or Not to sin, to be or not to be? The Flesh or the I am, the Spirit of that flesh. The Spirit, you have a body a mind and a heart. Your body is programmed with instinct autonomous nervous system to keep it alive. It can breathe or you can take over and control your breath just like you can let the mind run free and your heart like the wild beast.

Or applies the Rod of the Law the Yoke easy the burden light. Self Control is the Best control. Disciple means to be self-disciplined. Like the Gospel says: what good is it to chase out the demon if there is nobody home, it will go out and gather seven more and invade your home. You and where you live is the kingdom of heaven for that is the realm of the Spirit.

The Mind of the Spirit is peace and light, what then is the Mind of the flesh if not carnal. What are the body mind and heart full of and where is the Spirit? Heaven as close as your hand will you enter in. Is the body full of light or is the eye dark?

Luke 17v 21-23 says the kingdom of heaven is within not outside the temple

Psalms 1:2:3 says it is good to meditate daily...

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