I was going to announce "Closing in on 200,000 NEOXAG DELI" but...

SPIN-Neo Official Logo.png

We jumped right by it and we are nearing

250,000 NEOXAG DELI!!!💪

Screen Shot:

250k NEOXAG.png

I personally added quite a few AG tokens but we also had a new ORCA Level DELI of 50k jumped right in! I will withhold the name for now, maybe the new Orca does not wish to be ID'ed just yet 🐋 and we have not had any meetings on governance or anything like rewards to this point. I need suggestions and until we get some consensus on a first payout date and cut off points, my contention is that everyone is IN for the first payout.


Payout cutoffs and dates. This is getting too big to not get this done ASAP so as to avoid conflicts... 😳😲😱

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