[Coffee] Specialty Coffee Shop in Seoul #3. more than less (모어댄레스)

Hi steemit friends! Happy New Year 2018 :-)
From this post I'll write down in english for better understanding my contents globally. If anyone wants to know more details feel free to comment or message me! I'm very happy to share with my stories about coffee, travel, life-style, what matters. 

I live in Itaewon, Seoul. It's located in center of the Seoul. the location is quite nice to travel and go around in Seoul so far. The third specialty coffee shop that I want to let you guys know is 'More than Less' It's shortly called mtl. They're actually used 'Bonanza Coffee' from Germany. I've heard that this coffee shop is one and only coffee shops using this roastery beans(not sure but If I could hear clearly..). 

'more than less' means 'lesser than less', which is a full name and a slogan of mtl which aims for the minimalism. ('more than less'는 less 보다 더 less 를 추구한다는 의미의 lesser than less로, 미니멀리즘을 지향하는 mtl의 풀네임이자 슬로건입니다.)

Bonanza Coffee : ABOUT

The Key to great coffee is passionate people.
From the moment coffee is planted, till it's served. our coffee has gone through the hands of countless individuals that are all remarkable within their field. Farmers, planting varietals sacrificing yield over cup quality, coffee pickers only picking red ripe cherries during harvest, importers storing coffee in climate controlled warehouses. These critical efforts result in coffees that are a sum of choices made with a single goal in mind, what does the final product taste like in your cup.
We are at the end of this cycle, our job is to roast the coffee, we do this with the best of old techniques combined with the best of new techniques, continually looking for the best production methods, this search and combination is also referred to as "Retro Innovation".

  • Great Latte Art as plus

All of baristas working at more than less are very nice! They introduce their stories and share coffee taste with customer. I'd love to sit the bar table when I have a chance. Because I like to hear that barista's daily life and how they make espresso based / filter coffee properly.

  • Piccolo Latte 

Signature menu is piccolo latte here. :-)
I think drinking a coffee would better when we're with friends. Hope @steemit friends enjoy your coffee time with your family and friends this week! Thank you for reading my post and hope all enjoyed.

Have a great day! with coffee.

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