Do not forget to breastfeed the child to prevent diabetes!

Do not forget to breastfeed the child to prevent diabetes!


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What is the relationship of breastfeeding with diabetes? According to a research paper published yesterday, after breastfeeding, if she is fed up to 6 months of mother's milk, then the risk of having type-2 diabetes can be reduced greatly in mother's body.

For the last three decades, this study was conducted by some group of US researchers about 1200 women. During the test, the changes that they had noticed in the mother's body were thoroughly described in the Journal of American Medical Association. There they claimed that the mothers who breastfed their children for 6 months in a stretch, have lost almost 47 percent of the risk of developing such diabetes. Because during breastfeeding, the hormone levels of the mother increases in the mother's body, which may reduce the risk of increasing blood sugar levels. In the past decade, the rate of diabetes in our country has increased, there is no doubt that this discovery will bring a breakthrough change. In context, according to multiple study reports recently, our country is gradually becoming the size of diabetes epidemic. Because in the last few years the tendency to get infected has increased so much that now around 62 million Indians are victims of diabetes, which is the highest among the world. Under these circumstances, not only the mothers are mothers, every Indian should keep an eye on this article. Because this article discusses some of the domestic foods, which can not even come close to diabetes due to regular eating.

The foods that play a special role in controlling blood sugar levels are:



  1. Binus: Multiple studies have found that the presence of fiber, calcium and other useful ingredients inside this vegetable is not only blood sugar, but also reduces bad cholesterol level and also results in excess weight loss. In fact, starting to consume 1 cup of bins regularly, the fiber levels inside the body continued to increase. The effect of which reduces the rate of hunger. As a result, reducing the chance of increasing blood sugar levels due to reduced cellular penetration. In addition to increasing the insulin's performance, type-2 can not be close to diabetes.

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If the Bengalis want to stay away from diabetes, forget it, do not forget to leave the fish from Rose Dot! Because omega three fatty acids present in the fish, insulin performance increases so much that the risk of increasing blood sugar levels decreases dramatically. In fact, these beneficial fatty acids gain more benefits when starting to grow in the body, for example, improving heart health, reducing the level of inflammation in the body and not losing extra weight....



Like food, this food also plays a special role in preventing diabetes. So if you can make oats place in breakfast every day, it does not take time to get a healthy life. In fact, this food contains plenty of vitamins and minerals, which keep blood sugar levels under control and also helps in reducing the amount of bad cholesterol present in the body....



Jam: Though it is sweet and sweet, there is no substitute for this fruit to keep Diabetes under control. Because fiber and antioxidants present in the inside of the jam makes the body so strong from inside and outside that it is not just diabetes, it is not possible to get close to any type of disease. In fact, antioxidant is an element that helps keep cancer from getting rid of diseases. Actually, after entering this element, it started to expose all the toxic elements of the harmful cells. As a result, the fear of having cancer cells in the body decreases completely.

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