Crypto Crushes (when you get the feelz on here)

Admit it, sometimes you get that special vibe off a person and find yourself smirking or smiling when reading their blogs. Perhaps you DM or in some cases you give out your digits and then find yourself wondering how fun it would be to jet off to Vegas with the person to play slots and watch the Bellagio fountains go off.

Maybe it is the fact I have a past in finance and being my own boss and find those traits rather kickass in others. Maybe it is that I like people who kinda buck the system and are Alpha types, I really am not into the whole beta cuck thing where I'd have to take care of everything.....(been there done that, no thanks on a repeat ;))

There is just something about a certain type of Rogue style that to me is like a moth to a flame. Am I alone in this? Does anyone else get these odd crushes and wonder if you have found the Clyde to your Bonnie or Bonnie to your Clyde? To be inclusive it could also be a Bonnie on Bonnie or Clyde on Clyde type of set up as well. Gotta keep it P.C....

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