My arrival at the interesting world of STEEMIT

"Buenas shavos amantes dela Rikura"

Hello, entertainment lovers of this platform, my name is Samuel but they usually call me Snow or Caycer in my game accounts, I'm 22 years old and I am from Venezuela.

Hobbies and Occupations

I have a lot of hobbies but the most prominent are video games, especially the League of Legends of what is going to focus on this channel, music and elements of Japanese culture such as anime, manga and light novels.

I'm a student of Computer Engineering but I'm just starting. I am also a singer although it is not a profession, in my country it is very difficult to live at that moment when it is not a professional or a young person like my case, but I am part of a national system of orchestras; some instruments like the Guitar, the Cuatro Venezolano and the Piano, I am not a star but at least I can defend myself when accompanying in a song. I like all kinds of music but I tend to love music that is romantic (without paying attention to the musical genre that plays it, rock / bolero / salsa / etc.), electronics, music with a lot of rhythm and of course ... The folk music of my country that is the Joropo and the Gaitas, the things that will also be performed. My favorite singers are Juanes, Voz Veis/SanLuis/Náutica and Andrés Cepeda.

Channel content

Going into the content of the channel, I will have not had a type of specific publication, publications about League of Legends, Tops and Gameplays especially now that they are close to the "Clash" tournaments, so I will publish my experiences of these tournaments with my companions. I went platinum in the S7 as Support with Lulu, Leona and Janna, and Top with Maokai, Cho'gath and Fiora, as the best Maokai champion. I am currently in Silver III for different reasons such as the current bad connection in Venezuela and now I play on a PC with very low resources. This is my profile on the LAN server:

Perfil lol.jpg

Other days publicare "Covers" songs in Spanish or English. I have a project over 4 years ago writing my own novel, although a bit parody and I was studying about that, now that I have this secure platform I will leave a chapter a week. It will also publish things about the world of Japanese culture, Opinions, News, Tops, etc. If possible, i will publish a list of the days on which the different contents will be given.

But ...

They will say "Snow, but ... these contents are too varied and there is no interest for the community, it may be counterproductive to talk about so many different things, besides, you are not professional or very good", Does not matter! This is a very varied community, it may go wrong or good, but the important thing is to share with you the things that make me happy and that fill me a lot, and the opinions I have on certain topics.

I hope to get along with the community and get in my content something that entertains and that is to your liking. Without more things to say thank you for having reached the end.

P's Snow says goodbye and have an excellent Steemers day.

Ps Snow.jpg

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