(ENG/ESP) No one expected this ending. 1269 MMR ineperado final phase, do not miss the opportunity to see this battle! - Nadie esperaba este final. 1269 MMR fase final ineperado, no pierdas la oportunidad de ver esta batalla!

English Version

I share with you a MMR game where at the beginning I did not think I would win, because lately with the Termi I am not doing very well, but I think I made good plays. I didn't let desperation defeat me, I was able to make good card combinations, my reptile with his Spike Throw card was one of the keys to win the game.
On a couple of occasions, I passed the turn to accumulate cards to add cards to the deck and have more chances.
From the beginning my strategy was to kill his plant first, but once after the first attack everything changed, I never thought that the opponent would use his energies in the first turn.
After that all my strategy would have to change and make my Axie with a better defense and his best card do the game in order to win. In my opinion my opponent did not know how to choose the right cards at the right time, even though I was counting the energies it was difficult to predict which cards he would play.

(Unsupported https://www.youtu.be/A1BNEQmb3Dw)

From the beginning my strategy was to kill his plant first, but once after the first attack everything changed, I never thought that the opponent would use his energies in the first turn.
After that all my strategy would have to change and make my Axie with a better defense and his best card do the game in order to win. In my opinion my opponent did not know how to choose the right cards at the right time, even though I was counting the energies it was difficult to predict which cards he would play.


Many will wonder why at the end of the game I used 2 cards if the enemy was already low on HP, the reason was: He could use his 2 cards that hit 153 and could eliminate my Reptile, I didn't want to take the risk so I played, although his strategy was to defend himself.


Although the card says 115 for being the last Axie of the turn it hits 156. But it was a good battle.

Tony Robbins

Setting goals is the first step in making the invisible visible.
Identify your problems but give your power and energy to the solutions.

Versión en Español

Comparto con ustedes una partida MMR Donde al comienzo no pensé que ganaría, ya que últimamente con lo Termi no me va muy bien, pero creo que hice buenas jugadas. No deje que el desespero me venciera, pude hacer buenas combinaciones de cartas, mi reptil con su carta de Spike Throw fue una de las claves del partido para poder ganar.
Desde el comienzo mi estrategia era poder matar primero su planta, pero una vez ya luego del primer ataque todo cambio, nunca pensé que el oponente usaría sus energías en el primer turno.
Luego de allí toda mi estrategia tendría que cambiarla y hacer que mi Axie con mayor defensa y su mejor carta hiciera la partida para poder ganar. En mi opinión mi oponente no supo elegir al momento las cartas adecuada, igual yo llevaba el conteo de las energías era difícil predecir que cartas jugaría él.

(Unsupported https://www.youtu.be/A1BNEQmb3Dw)

Desde el comienzo mi estrategia era poder matar primero su planta, pero una vez ya luego del primer ataque todo cambio, nunca pensé que el oponente usaría sus energías en el primer turno.
Luego de allí toda mi estrategia tendría que cambiarla y hacer que mi Axie con mayor defensa y su mejor carta hiciera la partida para poder ganar. En mi opinión mi oponente no supo elegir al momento las cartas adecuada, igual yo llevaba el conteo de las energías era difícil predecir que cartas jugaría él.


Muchos se preguntaran porque al final de la partida use 2 cartas si ya el enemigo estaba con poca HP, la razón fue: Él podía usar sus 2 cartas que golpean 153 y podía eliminar mi Reptil, no quise correr el riesgo por ende jugué, aunque su estrategia fue defenderse.
Aunque la carta dice 115 por ser el ultimo Axie de Turno golpea 156. Trate de prevenir eso o un crítico. Pero Fue buena batalla.

Tony Robbins

Ponerse metas es el primer paso para convertir lo invisible en visible.
Identifica tus problemas, pero da tu poder y energía a las solucion.
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