La Magia Mi Felicidad-The Magic My Happiness PART #1

Hoy dedico este post a una historia de un niño huérfano la cual le cambio la vida por completo aunque su futuro destino estaba lleno de las cosas mas misteriosas y horrendas que el menos se imaginaba...Muchos quizás nos identificamos con este niño, el cual no conoció nunca el amor de sus padres pero tuvo el desamor de unos tíos adoptivos que nunca valoraron su presencia, es aquí cuando el descubre que su mundo no era donde el siempre se desenvolvía , su vida pertenecía a un mundo el cual nuca se iba a imaginar que su marca de nacimiento lo iba hacer tan famoso...Si les hablo de "HARRY POTTER"

Today I dedicate this post to a story of an orphan child which changed his life completely although his future destiny was full of the most mysterious and horrible things that he least imagined ... Many of us may identify with this child, which never knew the love of his parents but had the indifference of a few uncles who never appreciated his presence, this is when he discovers that his world was not where he always worked, his life belonged to a world which was never going to imagine that his birthmark was going to make him so famous ... If I talk about "HARRY POTTER"

This great story written by JK Rowling to many who read his books and follow his career, we can draw a moral of such a great story of this "YOUNG WIZARD" which of having nothing had it all, as its value, effort and desire to keep going despite so many setbacks, malice, humiliations and problems he always knew how to stand firm at every step he took, the spirit of struggle led him to be "THE ELECTED"

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