¡Por fin juega el equipo local! español-English


Un saludo a todos los curiosos usuarios de steemit, aún siendo nuevo en la plataforma, y como escritor amateur, quisiera mostrarles este pequeño relato que le escribí a una amiga recientemente. También quisiera dejar un cordial saludo a @sai.isaaccura ¡muchas gracias por apoyarme con la imagen!

Mientras todos en la ciudad se emocionaron por el partido de béisbol debido a que jugaba el equipo local, Elis no pensaba en otra cosa que en el hecho de que finalmente pasaría un momento padre e hijo con su papá. El solía trabajar mucho y desde que su madre murió hace un año Elis se sentía muy solo.
Realmente no le gustaba el béisbol, lo suyo siempre fue más el baloncesto, en el cual era muy bueno, pese a solo medir un metro setenta y tres.
Pero eso momentos con su padre eran inolvidables, a tal punto que Elis siempre guardaba la entre la de cada partido al que iban.
La tarde transcurrió normal, limpió la casa y preparó algo sencillo para cenar, de todos modos comería con su papá algo en el estadio.
-Esta temporada van flojos, pero se recuperaran, Garcia tiene un gran brazo- iba comentando su padre.
A las 6:15pm cuando llego este ya todo estaba listo. Probó la comida de Elis, tomó un par de cervezas y le habló de como en su trabajo su jefe andaba algo tenso. Luego fueron al auto.
Más adelante, mientras charlaban, se toparon con un embotellamiento.
-¿que habrá pasado?- pregunto Elis a su padre.
-No estoy seguro, iré a ver- contesto este quitándose el cinturón y abriendo la puerta.
-Ten cuidado!
Gritó por la ventana.
Al cabo de un rato se oyó un grito.
Elis se bajó del carro preocupado.
Su padre apareció corriendo en su dirección.
Apenas pudo reaccionar cuando un auto salio volando hacia el aplastando su abdomen.
Gritó su papá con desespero y fue hacia el. La garganta de Elis se lleno de sangre, el impacto le rompió algunos órganos y no sentía sus piernas. . Miró como su padre se arrodilló a su lado con los ojos llenos de lágrimas en un intento inútil por mover el coche.
-No me dejes Elis, no tu, por favor no
Los ojos de Elis se abrieron de par en par, no podía gritar, no podía articular nada.
Y en ese instante vio como algo parecido a una mantis de 3 metros aterrizo junto a su padre, y sin que este pudiera reaccionar le corto la cabeza con sus extremidades en forma de Cuchillas.
Otra de esas criaturas apareció empujando a la primera, luchando por alimentarse del cuerpo del padre de Elis.
Gritos y más gritos.
Personas corriendo.
Al parecer esas cosas lo notaron.
Ese día el equipo local no jugó.
No hubo partido.
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While everyone in the city were fired up for the baseball match oncoming, due to the local team playing, Elis just couldn't think about anything else that spending time with his dad. He used to work too much since his wife, and Elis mother, died a year ago, Elis felt lonely. He really didn't like baseball, basketball was his passion, which he played so good, even though he was just a meter and sixty three tall.

But those moments were unforgettable, such as Elis had all the tickets saved for all the matches they went. The afternoon was normal, he cleaned the house and made something simple for dinner, since they would eat something at the stadium.

  • This season has been hard for them, but they will surely recover, Garcia have a strong arm. - Was his dad talking in the way.
    At 6:15 pm, when his father came home, everything was ready. He took the food made by his son, took a couple of beers and told Elis that his boss was a bit tense lately. Then they got in the car.

Far ahead, while they chatted, they noticed a traffic jam.

  • What might have happened? - Asked Elis to his father.
  • I'm not sure, i'll go check- Answered while taking off the seat belt and opening the door.
  • Be careful! - Shouted to his dad from inside the car.
    Suddenly he heard a scream and got down the car worried, and noticed his dad running towards him.
    He didn't reacted fast enough while watched a car flying toward him, crushing his legs.
  • ELIS! - "Elis throat was full of blood, the impact broke several of his organs and couldn't feel his legs. He saw how his father kneeled beside him with tears in his eyes, trying uselessly to remove the car. His dad screamed in despair and looked on his direction.
  • Don't leave me Elis, not you, please don't. - "Elis eyes were wide open, he couldn't scream, couldn't say a word. In an instant, he looked something that resembled a 3 meters tall mantis landing near he and his father, and not being able to react, it cuts clean his father head with its knife like arms. Another one appeared and pushed the other to feed Elis father's corpse. There were screams everywhere, people running. They've noticed... that day the local team didn't play, there wasn't a match to hold.

Greetings to all the curious users of steemit, even being new on the platform, and as an amateur writer, I would like to show you this little story that I wrote to a friend recently. I would also like to send a cordial greeting to @sai.isaaccura , thank you very much for supporting me with the image!

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