MI Presentación My start


Hola, que tal, saludos a todos, mi nombre es Enrique Leonet soy de Venezuela, entre en esta plataforma por un video de youtube, me gusta compartir todo aquello que me resulte de interes, en lo general a lo funny, autos o coches, linux Ubuntu 18.04, algun que otro software, me fascina la mecanica quantica, futbol le voy al barcelona fc desde maradona para aca, algun que otro vistazo a chicas lindas bueno ustedes saben las Venezolanas y para no extenderme mas soy fiel creyente en la reciprocidad das y obtienes, y en los casos que das y no obtienes entoces desechas.

Ya he realizado algunos post y me he dado cuenta que el numero de seguidores apenas dos dias y 18 post era de 108, lo que me animo mucho, pero no correspondia para nada a el numero de up vote recibidos en mis post menos en promedio a 2 por post, entoces cometi el error, creo, de empezar a seguir a estas personas trayendo como consecuencia que me feed estaban llenos de post a los que yo le estaba dando up vote pero no recibia nada, pues bien por lo anes descrito al final del primer parrafo elimine a todos a quien seguia y con la herramienta https://steemnow.com/@enriqueleonet (despues del @ pones tu user y veras tus estadisticas), pude ver quien me daba up vote con que porcentaje de steem power de esa forma me dije pues bien ahora si estamos de igual a igual.

Ahora mi feed corresponde a personas que se interesan en mis publicaciones y yo en las de ellos y solidarios en los up votes.
Tengo un grupo de whatsaap +584249673173 con la finalidad de notificar sus post para poder entrar en sus blog y darle la atencion requerida los que quieran seguir mi estrategia bienvenidos sean.

Sin mas que decir les invito a dar up vote a este post y tendran mi up vote en los suyos

Hello, how are you? Hello, my name is Enrique Leonet. I'm from Venezuela, I'm on this platform for a Youtube video, I like to share everything that I find interesting, usually funny, cars or cars, linux Ubuntu 18.04, some other software, I am fascinated by quantum mechanics, football I go to barcelona fc from maradona to here, the odd look at pretty girls you know the Venezuelan and to not extend more I am a faithful believer in reciprocity and you get, and in the cases that you give and do not get then you throw away.

I have already made some posts and I realized that the number of followers just two days and 18 post was 108, which encouraged me a lot, but did not correspond at all to the number of up vote received in my post less on average to 2 per post, then I made the mistake, I think, of starting to follow these people bringing as a result that I was fed full of post to which I was giving up vote but did not receive anything, well so anes described at the end from the first paragraph delete everyone who followed and with the tool https://steemnow.com/@enriqueleonet (after the @ put your user and see your statistics), I could see who gave me up vote with what percentage of steem power of That way I told myself well now if we are of equal to equal.

Now my feed corresponds to people who are interested in my publications and I in theirs and solidarity in the up votes.
I have a group of whatsaap +584249673173 in order to notify their post to be able to enter their blog and give the attention required those who want to follow my strategy are welcome.

Without more to say I invite you to give up vote to this post and they will have my up vote in theirs

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