Analysis of the book: The Biorhythms in your Life - Daniel Cohen.

Surely you have had days you are at your maximum potential, when you wake up from the bed, you bathe with emotion, the food is excellent and when you go out they all smile at you, a day where the inspiration to write a post this with you , this day is cataloged as "good". Similarly, I am sure that you have also had completely different days, where when you wake up you do not want to get out of bed, you think about what you should do that day and nothing motivates you, you are very discouraged or sad and the ideas to write are not so Fluid, this day friends, it's a "bad" day. However, my dear readers, like everything in life, this has a solution.

At the end of the 19th century, the German doctor and friend of Sigmund Freud, Wilhelm Fliess, first published his theories on biological rhythms, to which other authors added their own theories, with which the body of theory and practice of biorhythms grew .

This theoretical practice is based on the following: The life of a person is determined by rhythmic biological cycles that affect the capacity of each individual in different situations; physical, emotional and intellectual. These cycles begin at birth and oscillate throughout life through a sine wave. Thus, the capacity of a person in each of these situations could be predicted in advance by means of an ad hoc mathematical model.

The Physical cycle: This rhythm lasts 23 days. It is based on strength and endurance; When it is at its highest point it gives you a general feeling of physical well-being, and when you are in the lower area there is a feeling of physical fatigue.

The Emotional cycle: Fliess called her 28-day cycle "cycle of sensitivity or female cycle". Fliess believed along with his supporters that this was a cycle that originated inside the cells of the nervous system.

The Intellectual cycle: This cycle can result in many aspects the most subtle of the three biorhythms models. It lasts for 33 days and in the same way as the other two, the first half is a period of unloading of intellectual energy and the second half, a recharge period (perfect time to study).

These are the most known biorhythms cycles, the basic ones. Other cycles of linear combination have been proposed, others of shorter or longer oscillation rhythms, among others.

Companies from countries such as Japan, Switzerland, the United States and more, have applied the use of this theory in order to obtain a greater benefit and the results have always been positive.

Despite this, the theory of Biorhythms has generated much controversy about its scientific functionality, causing criticisms such as:

• It is assumed that the cycles are the same for anyone.
• The tests are often anecdotal
• The assumption is made that the frequency is constant.
• Hypothesis tests have serious defects.
• The hypotheses have not been formulated in precise terms.
• The argument is based on ignorance of number theory (becoming pseudo-mathematics as well as pseudoscientific).

And more ...

However, there are still people who are adept at this theory and defend it, which is highly respectable and understandable if it really works for them.

Personally, thanks to this book I am interested in this theory, investigate thoroughly, analyze it and put it into practice. Then determine if it is functional, to a certain extent.

Very often, instead of working with these rhythms, our life is established in such a way that we must fight them. Many believe that this creates a large part of the tension in modern life and, in turn, tension creates illness and unhappiness.

On the other hand, the life that we carry in the current world is not the same as those scientists of past times, we must readjust ourselves and improve every day in favor of evolution, therefore, look for another solution to those truly true sensations about the "recharge", decay or "bad days", and the answer is in the mind. If you know how to master your mind, you will master your state of mind. You can change your perspective, your feelings, your thoughts and focus on the positive, basically it is; Discard the negative, absorb the positive and stay in it.

I hope you enjoyed this brief explanation about this interesting theory. If you want to know more about the biorhythms and how to make your own biorhythmic table, you can write me and I will gladly explain you.

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