The RoaD From Minnow to Whale : -Ep#1- Stop Begging & Don't Spam

-the meaning of picture is group of steemains walk towards success and and there's someone begging  waiting for someone to help him -

Hi friends .When I first joined this platform , My goal was just make money . Then what i did , I sent spam messages, Begging for upvotes and spam comments . But I found those who advise me . And this is what I will do for you. PLEASE  Stop begging & don't spam ? THIS WILL HURT YOU IN FUTURE .

Begging for votes . It’s something that has been a topic for quite awhile now. Minnows do it and the rest hate it. Votes should be earned through hard work and good content. While there are valid points on both sides, There will always be a discussion on it. I’ll give my tips for it . Begging for votes  does hurt your reputation on Steemit . People will think less about you. When you beg for votes 3 days in a row by someone that has a lot of Steem Power, He will ignore you now and in the future as well because they will remember you as a beggar. Instead make quality comments on their posts. Really read the article and say something meaningful. You might get an up vote for them without begging!

If you are new to Steemit and you are going into the comment section of other people's blogs posting things like this:

Nice Post! I followed you, you should follow me back!

Stop it now!

I have sent a lot of spam comments under others posts but it hurt me a lot . There is some steemains think that i'm desperate . Then what they do ? They flag your comments .

Flag is a weapon for steemains do you want to get shot . If anyone flag your posts or your comments it's killing your blog and you will get low reputation .

for the readers , please stop begging for upvote & don't spam . i'll give you solution to be attractive in steemit ,  just wait us in another episode .

If you have some question and suggestion then feel free to share with us.

Enjoy Steemit!

Have a nice day!

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