Photos from Ronda, Spain

I'm currently enjoying a holiday in Spain and recently had the chance to visit Ronda, the third most visited destination in southern part of the country. source


The village is situated above a deep gorge that is spanned by a stone bridge that separates the old town from the 15th century 'new' town.

Puente Nuevo, Ronda's 'new bridge' was completed in 1793 after 40 years in construction. It spans the 98m Tajo gorge and took the lives of the 50 builders source





Ronda is considered the home of modern bullfighting and has a rich cultural and literary tradition. source

Ronda is indeed one of those places which stands alone. I know nothing to which it can be compared. Lady Tenison, 1850.





My photos don't really do the place any justice at all, and so here's a video to make up for this.

Holidaying during these unprecedented times is interesting. There are many people wearing masks in the street and it is compulsory to wear a mask when entering a building, even if it's just to visit a restaurant toilet. The positive for tourists is that many places are much quieter than they would be this time of year, as stated by my guide, @sulayr.

I am now half way through my trip, which has involved some time at the beach (mostly hiding under an umbrella or in the sea), a couple of games of Padel, and visits to other nearby towns. I've also been trying to keep up with the exercise and last night completed a 7 km run along the huge beach here in El Puerto de Santa Maria.

Today is another hot one and the plan is to find some indoor entertainment (like Pool and Table-tennis), after I have watched @sulayr's Padel coach put her through her paces. It's me who needs the lessons really, and I shall be watching closely for tips.

OK, have a lovely day all, catch you later.


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