Hypothetically speaking...

Hypothetically speaking:

Any one happen to know a "good" well (g)rounded therapist?

i wonder what kind of therapy, or medicine a psychiatrist would recommend, to some one who "knows" our entire reality is deliberately faked, warped and inverted, 180 degrees from the truth and controlled by non human reptilian shape shifters. would he have a good therapy available or some tasty medicines to fix this "skewed" image of reality?

or, would i be able to convince him, with proofs, and ruin his faked sense of reality in life as well, awaken him :P maybe having ones self taken care of, treated, monitored and served meals a few times a day, calming medicines brought, isn't so bad? i bet they have a television set on the room to continue the programming, or healing. room cleaning service etc. beats slaving on for another 40 years i guess. thinking of all the rest i would get, the great talks that lie ahead, and they HAVE to listen haha. funny maybe if i told him i heard multiple voices :) oh man the possibilities are endless and don't steal my idea, i like a nice room for myself.

any one has a list of things we are lied about? how fake our news is? how fake science is? how we are being held up in the past? used as economic slaves? misled? slowed down? less free? micro managed and controlled, on every level of society? kept to busy? always tired, burnt out? or is it just me? i do not feel depressed, as i know it is just the world we live in that depresses us.

here's a list of faked things id like to discuss with a therapist:

Satanic reptilian race
fake royals
fake pope
fake global news (all about control)
fake shootings / terrorists
fake cold wars
fake science in general (cant release all that high tech, we are to dangerous... right?)
fake cosmology
fake gravity
fake expansion universe
fake bending of space (nothing can not bend.... Space doeth not, matter in it does).
fake relativity, even the special kind.
fake dilation of time (time lol... dont get me started)
fake time in general
fake big bang ( because they think the uiverse expands it must have been all compressed once...)
fake black holes (math makes you believe i holes.... in space.... )
fake hyper velocity stars
fake dark matter / energy
fake moon landing(s) (ask stanley kubrick)
fake iss fake station (they use green screens and harnasses)
fake space walks
fake satellites / gps
fake Hubble telescope / Sofia plane
fake atmosphere / clouds
fake nuclear bomb threats
fake evolution theory
fake dinosaurs see top
fake highly selective extinction events see top
fake history in general
fake politics and democracy, although real consequences
fake debt based economy, although real consequences
fake freedom or free will within more and more laws
fake nepotism ridden justice system protecting evil doers.
fake extra gender(s)
fake sense of security

help me out guys, did i miss anything? maybe i should divide in categories hehe, i'm just not a stick my head back in the sand type of guy, I've bit the apple, and sure, it's a little sour, but i can live with it. "invertism" however is very real. there is a war going on for our minds, and we aren't winning. it kinda gets funny watching authority play their given roles, astronauts turning alcoholics..... something has got to give, pretty soon, a (clock) storm is surely coming. is this the real life? is this just fantasy...

life only gets better once all fucks are given, trust me.

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