Space Trash Will be Gathered With Spear!

Due to the fuel-exhausting satellites and space vehicles, space trashes continue to be a problem for the future. Airbus will do space harvesting with a harpoon-like device.

Space trash is dangerous
Airbus has developed a harpoon-like system at the Surrey Space Center in England. A 9-meter-long harpoon-like device can be fired using compressed air. In the harpoon tests, the composite material used in the satellite housing and generally used in the outer parts of the satellites, which is not thicker than 3 cm, was insensitive. The researchers are planning to launch their harpoon into the space garbage they are targeting, into the atmosphere of the world. By dropping the trash into the world, space cleaning can be done without going far.

The garbage in the bay is a major problem for the future. According to the research done, there are 21,000 pieces of space 10 cm in outer space, 50,000 pieces of space garbage in the range of 1-10 cm. China, the United States and Russia are at the top of the countries that cause these trash.

Behind the more extensive tests to be done, garbage collection can be started with harpoon.

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