Humans can fly on titan.

Humans can fly on Titan

Titan is the largest moon of Saturn but did you now humans could fly instead of walk on this enormous moon?

A paper suggests that humans could achieve takeoff and flight on Saturn's moon Titan, but only if they get a good running start first and strap on some large wings.

The paper, titled "You can fly," was published in the University of Leicester's Journal of Physics Special Topics, which introduces physics students to the peer-review process by having them research and write short papers, and it examines the claim that humans would be able to fly on Titan with wings strapped to their arms. Looking at the atmosphere and gravity on Titan, the authors of the study calculated the wing area and propulsion speed that would be required for takeoff. It might involve some pretty big wings; in order to takeoff using a standard wing suit with a wing area of 1.4 square meters, a human would need to run at a speed of 11 meters per second. At the average human running speed of 6 meters per second, a flier would need a suit with a wing area of 4.7 square meters for a successful launch.

(Comic comes from and the article from gizmodo.)

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