Another self Taught rocket guy flying in the sky

63 your old Mad Mike Hughes scrubbed another launch attempt on mach 6th, 2018. Mike Hughes is a self taught rocket engineer and believes the earth is flat, and built a steam powered rocket at his home, as well as converting an RV into a launch pad. Hughes had planned to launch some time in November, but had to rescheduled the launch due to a string of mechanical failures as well as problems with the bureau of land management. However, Mike Hughes finally launched his rocket on Saturday, march 24th, 2018 at 3 pm, with out a count down he flew up into the sky to about 1800 feet into the air and reached a top speed of 355 miles per hour. Hughes pulled his chutes and fell to earth about 1500 feet from where he launched.

Mike has received criticism for wanting to launch himself in a rocket, and for his belief in the earth being flat. "Do I believe the earth is shaped like a Frisbee? I believe it is, Do I know for sure? no. That's why I want to go up in space". Now with this launch Hughes did not go into space, in fact he barely went a mile up, so Why did he launch himself in this rocket for? For a project down the road Hughes plans to build a Rockoon, which is a rocket that is carried by a balloon (usually Hydrogen), to higher altitudes and then separated and ignited to finish the journey into space. This rocket could take Hughes about Sixty eight Miles Up, which could enable Hughes to see the full curve of the earth.

This was the second time that Hughes built and launched him self in a rocket, after his first attempt he collapsed and needed 3 days to recover. Mike Hughes has a documentary crew fallowing him around, to record this ambition and will probably be released some time in august. Hughes states, "My story really is incredible. Its got a bunch of story lines, the garage built thing, I'm an older guy. Its out in the middle of know where, plus the flat earth. The problem is it brings out all of the nuts." Hes always maintained that his mission isn't to prove the earth is flat, its to put himself in space with out contracting anybody.

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