Astrophotography: the Rho Ophiuchi and the Antares regions

I want to start my journey on steemit with one of the richest portion of the sky. I took this photo during a slightly foggy night with my camera and my telescope (more details below).

The Rho Ophiuchi and the Antares region are incredible glimpses of the night sky. They are full of multicolor reflection and dark nebulae. Blue, orange, cyan and red nebulae decorate one of the most beautiful constellation of the boreal sky: the Scorpius (one of my favourites).

Antares LOW - Copia.jpg

In this photo on the left you can see the cyan/blue Rho Ophiuchi nebula near a scythe-like dark nebula on the right. Two of the three stars inside the Rho Ophiuchi nebula are actually double stars.
Antares is on the right, just a little bit over the frame (south). That's why everything looks golden in that area (Antares is a red giant).

Unfortunately the sky was not perfectly clear that day so the photo is not like I imagined it.

I've used a Canon EOS 60D (unmodded) and a TS APO 80/480 Triplet on an HEQ5 guided mount (QHY5L-II + 60/200). Photos were acquired with Astrojan Tools and PHD Guiding.
Calibration and stacking made with MaximDL and post processing with PixInsight LE and Photoshop.


480mm - f/6.0 - ISO800
Light Frames: 24x300''

Alessio Vaccaro
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