If you think Hubble is cool, now this you simply have to see

We can thank Space X's falcon 9 for getting this on course to where it belongs.

Hubble has allowed the beauty of space to appeal to the average garden variety person with its majestic images that peer back in time to almost the very birth of the universe.

This new project excites me in a different way. Just looking at some of the first out-puts it is easy to see that the data collected and visualized is going to be mind boggling on a Hubble like scale.

The headline of the video below is of a flashy rock-star comet as always stealing all the glamour and glitz but its the smaller more nuanced things that this composite imagery shows that blows me away.

The video after showing the comet in detail points out variable stars, reflected light from mars and, most intriguing to me of all, the massive number of asteroids the Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite can pick up and track.

I'm looking forward to great things from TESS

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