South Park Phone Destroyer Event - Bounty Hunter Kyle

Bounty Hunter Kyle(BHK) is released!

New Card!

Available in pay-to-win packs and in this week's event packs.

He any good?

BHK seems OP at first considering it's going to permanently buff units with each attack and heals whenever he makes a kill. Oh yeah, he also flies. Hopefully the buffs are not insane, otherwise, sci-fi is just going to be a bit too OP. And this coming from someone with a sci-fi deck! I have not tried the card yet but hope to soon in one of the packs and will be pushing to get the solo event completed.

What's the event?

The event is a collection even, this time with "laser devices." No card pts event this weekend (thank goodness).
Finish PVP packs and open up lockers after wins to try and collect these laser devices.

Solo Packs are available at
15,55,120,225,350,550,800, 1250

Team packs are avaliable at
450, 1250, 5500, 12000, 20000, 30000

With 4 days to complete this and locker limits to contend with, this event is certainly not going to be easy to finish. However, with the guaranteed BHK card at the end, I say it is definitely worth pushing for. When opening lockers, consider the amount of laser devices (higher amounts, obviously) available and considering opening two additional lockers for extra changes. You'll need to average 313 devices a day to complete the solo. Also, dont start pushing to finish this even too late, since you can only get laser devices from opening up PVP packs and lockers, you'll likely be limited in the amount of opportunities.

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