Egg all over my face.

Well it was lunch time and being not so well today I decided make a cheese and egg toasted in a fantastic pan I got from a friend, Let me tell you it is very quick and it is a pan to grill food in. I took the brown bread and butter on the one side, then I cut thin slices of cheese. Now I first bake the eggs in that same pan and with the lid on it took me maybe a minute.

so now I put the egg on the cheese and put it in the pan buttered side down and put only now the other slice on top of that.

Put the pan on 3 or 4 and braai the one side and now to turn it around normally I per accident let the top slice slip and fall of but today i was clever, I took a spoon and with my egg lifter under neath the bottom part and the spoon on the top part, turn it quickly over. No mess at all it was a success thank goodness sometimes things are easy if we use our brains a bit more.

To all of you my friends it might sound funny but believe me I like everything to be perfect, and with my work as A Real Estate Agent it just is not easy.

Always on the run one day I was in such a hurry and also so hungry and still needed to make lunch, as I am looking after my husband as well, but that day I never want over again.

Here I am all dress in my work clothes we have a beautiful blue shirt and black pants, now if you know there is not always more then one uniform clean and ready to wear in the cupboard, so what happened that day was just a great train smash. I took the eggs to break it open to test if it was fresh first in a cup, and then wanted to put the salt and as soon as I lift the cup up, the cup's handle broke off, and all those eggs on my black pants. And on the floor. I turned around to get a cloth to wipe off the pants and then another big bad thing happen, yes you ques it I slipped on the egg white and yellow, on the floor and I try to stop myself, from falling, caught the side of my table and ha ha ha ... I fell in the eggs that spilled on the table. Oh my word that was so bad.

Now I am just so fed up with my last clean clothes as we, have to take clients out only in our uniform, which is smart, but here i sit now with eggs all over me.

I then had to take a shower and washed my clothes and all that in a half an hour.
It is impossible to get yourself clean and your clothes washed and dry in a 30 minutes believe me but I tried.

In the end I had to put other clothes on to meet my clients, and when I told them my story they" laughed" so hard it was so embarrassing as we are now in a public place, having a cup of coffee while they discussing if they wanted to buy the property or not.
I must say it was well worth it in the end as they did purchase the property from me, and I was happy and they were very happy too, as it was a real bargain they got from me.

Now I always make sure to make the food first and then put on my work uniform....


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