Soulful Sunday by A Panama Mama - A Mountain of Inconveniences

This is my first Soulful Sunday post. Each week I would like to bring to you something that has inspired me during the last week or something I will bring with me into the next week. Sometimes it will be a poem or a song. Sometimes a simple Bible verse or a quote. I hope that you will leave allowing your soul to have been refreshed.


“The enemy tries to make everything work out for the worst. Usually it is not the big problems which depress me, but the multitude of inconveniences which stack up like little small rocks to form an immovable mountain.” P. 137 from the book Tramp for the Lord by Corrie Ten Boom.

Panama is known for its inconveniences. I recently spent hours and hours going to get paperwork cleared to get our title transferred from Panama City to a local town. Tons of Spanish was spoken, one hour each way in the car every time, tons of copies…the list went on and on. It was so inconvenient, but it had to be done. I had to stick with it, be patient and hope for favor to be able to accomplish this task. The tons of tiny inconveniences get to me and tend to make me snippy with my husband, kids and others…I could have given up, but I kept going and praying, all the while knowing that God was on my side. I can figure this paperwork out. I can be polite to the lady who doesn’t like to talk to me because my Spanish isn’t perfect. I can keep a positive attitude. We did not let the enemy win and get us down, and we accomplished our goal with time sensitive paperwork.

If you do encounter a mountain this week, remember what Psalm 3:4 says. “I call out to the Lord, and he answers me from his holy mountain.” Call out and let the Lord help you deal with your mountain of inconveniences.


Soulful Sunday will be brought to you here every Sunday by A Panama Mama.
Check back each week for quotes, poems, songs and verses to jump start your week.
If you have a comment, feel free to leave me a reply.
Thanks for visiting! May the Lord bless you and keep you.

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