Bless My Soul

  Bless My Our Soul s 

The last few days, I have been deep in thought. That may not be very unusual for me but it seems my thoughts have brought deeper concerns as to my existence and purpose. One of the reasons for this train of thought has to do with my recent health issues. About this time last year, I was diagnosed with having cancer. This is my second time as I fought cancer about 12 years ago. Now, I have to do it again. A year later, just a few weeks ago, I was told I was cancer free. I have fought the good fight twice, and I have won. 

Now I cannot help thinking about my existence now and forever. I know many people who have experienced similar life changing events tend to become more religious. There is nothing wrong with that as it gives them a sense of being. As for me, religion is not the answer. I do, however, believe that people have souls and that the life here is not the only life instore for us all. I do not have the answers and I do not believe any religion has the answer either. I do believe that the answer maybe somewhat close to the teachings of most religions and not in any particular one. 

But religion is not what I wanted to talk about. I do believe we have a soul, or a spirit, that continues after our bodies die off. I do not know what is to come but I believe we continue on and perhaps, take on a life form of some sort. I also believe that our behavior in this life, has an effect on our next life. I offer no proof and I do not expect anyone to agree, but I am sure some will.  

Western religions tend to believe that this life is it and our souls go to heaven if God is pleased and are punished if he is not. Many eastern religions lean toward reincarnation that rewards the level and quality of life if we lived the last one right. If we failed to live right, we regress to a low level or quality in our next life. I think our soul, or our life force, in a none material form, is recycled. I tend to think that how we behave and live this current life has an effect on the next. Again, I offer no proof. 

However, it seems to me, life is not just materialistic in form but also in an energy form. By that I mean, a living, breathing creature, the likes of what we see on earth, is material in form whereas energy, a force if you will, is not in a material form. Our souls, or our spirit, is in an energy form. But life can also be in an inanimate object, such as a rock. As I see it, the very atoms that make up the rock have electrons in constant movement. It seems to me that this is a life form in and of itself. So how do I relate this to my soul? I can only tell you how I feel and not how it is. This is because I do not know exactly how it is. 

Perhaps after my time here on earth, I will be able to know and understand more and maybe I will be able to retain that level of understanding when my next material form of life become mine. With that in mind, I wonder why I do not remember before my life here. Was it because my form of life did not have the ability to remember? Who knows, maybe I was a rock, or a gnat with no brain big enough to remember. Or does the mind not convey to the soul? I hear some people say they remember their past life. Maybe they do. I know I do not. 

I can’t say for sure, but I do feel that I will be better off spiritually in my next form of life. I have been a good person overall, here on earth. Not perfect for sure, but I have tried to be good and I have asked for forgiveness when I faulter. I am comfortable with who I am. I have survived cancer now twice, but I was not afraid before or now of dying. However, I am afraid of the process. Death is coming, no one is willing to go, but we all know it will happen. It is the cycle and is good in its own way. Emotionally, the living will grieve. The dying fight to survive. I believe we all find peace after death. Your soul lives on. Thus, we do to. God bless our souls. 


Think loud if you must, but at least think. 

P.S. Comments are welcome.  

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