Quantum Science Approach towards THE ONE

The One
The Inward Solid has additionally been produced as a profound way or reference point in every one of the religions, customs and methods of insight around the world. image

It has been said that it passes by the taking after names in these different sacred writings and philosophical works:

AUM, Naad, Akash Bani and Sruti in the Vedas and Udgit in the Upanishads , Akshar in the Bhagavad Gita , The music of the circles educated by Pythagoras , Sraosha by Zoroaster , Kalma and Kalam-i-Qadim in the Qur'an Word and Water of Life in the Book of scriptures ,The Heavenly Wine and HU by the Sufis ,
Hari Ras and Amrit by Holy people and Spiritualists
Naam, Akhand Kirtan and Sacha Shabd in the Master Granth Sahib..

All Master-Souls, regardless of whether Hindus, Christians, Muslims, Sikhs and incalculable others, were familiar with the act of the awesome soundless sound

The Sublime Sound can't obviously be heard by the physical ears.

There is a route for our tuning in to the celestial music which can beheard by the inward workforce of supernatural hearing. In spite of the fact that
science has not yet possessed the capacity to test into this secret, yet it can be settled and experienced by genuine experimentation in the lab of the Self with the guideline and direction of the Holy people. The consequences of late logical examinations have now
uncovered the nearness of cadenced movement even in molecules, and logical discoveries are each day coming nearer to reality.As indicated by the Vedas, a standout amongst the most logical and most seasoned sacred writings in the world, the entire creation was made through Naad (Sound). It was additionally alluded to as "Akash Bani" (voice
descending from the Heaven). In the Nad-Spot Upanishad, for example, the subject is managed in extremely clear way. The typical portrayal of this Naad (Sound) is AUM, the substance of all Vedas. All the Vedic mantras discussed amid different religious functions begins with and closes at AUM, the sound of Creation, Preservation and Dissolution..
The ONE is the immortal soul.image




In the previous decades quantum science has shown that our physical reality can't be isolated from our cognizant consciousness of it. Also quantum science found an all-inescapable vitality field that penetrates the whole universe, the Zero Point Field. image

From this vitality field sub nuclear particles hop all through presence constantly. The material world does not appear to be as strong as we thought it seemed to be. Purge space is not void by any means. The vacuum is really a plenum (totally filled). It contains an inexhaustible measure of vitality, the zero point vitality. There is a grandiose move of vitality forward and backward between the physical domain and the zero point field, a consistent creation and demolition of matter from the void.

As indicated by the relativistic quantum field hypothesis, molecule and field are integral signs of one and a similar thing. The truth is only the change and association of the field quanta. Particles are connections amongst fields, and are fleeting signs. They just give off an impression of being considerable accordingly of the dynamic, fiery transaction of the quantum fields. A wide range of molecule sets are continually produced and consumed by the field. The "move" of every single conceivable molecule, might be viewed as the central action of Nature.

"Nothing is more critical about the quantum guideline than this, that it pulverizes the idea of the world as 'sitting out there', with the spectator securely isolated from it by a 20 centimeter chunk of reinforced glass. Indeed, even to watch so miniscule a question as an electron, he should smash the glass. He should reach in. He should introduce his picked measuring gear. It is dependent upon him to choose whether he should quantify position or force. To introduce the gear to quantify the one averts and bars his introducing the hardware to gauge the other. Also the estimation changes the condition of the electron. The universe will never thereafter be the same. To portray what has happened, one needs to cross out that old word "onlooker" and put in its place the new word 'participator'. In some interesting sense the universe is a participatory universe."

                                 -John Wheeler

Thank you for reading .. Happy Steeming

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