I am Sorry

There is a lot of trash on this blog. Reading it now is very painful. The last year+ was very hard on me mentally, physically, and spiritually. After being homeless for over five months and having multiple run ins with Police, I know that most of what I thought was going on wasn't real. And my abuse of alcohol caused many of my problems. I am seeking counseling and working on changing: getting mentally and physically well.

I would also want to apologize for bigotry and delusional rantings on some online forums. Most of it was said in "jest", but it wasn't funny and was wrong.

I still think PIP and Uncapped Blind ICO/IPO Auctions are very good ideas: intellectually, business wise, and technology wise. I am still trying to build both models. I don't know how original the economics of either model is (my current suspicion is not very much but maybe a little). I am still looking for partners, and have been continuously since I came up with the models.

I no longer think PIP is nearly as revolutionary as Consider A Basic Prediction Market suggests: I simply think it is a very clear, clean, and neat way of thinking about short-term price changes, especially during speculative bubbles. There are plenty of Warren Buffet-like investors who use a long-term perspective.

Also, I have no idea why I wrote the posts saying Uncapped Blind ICOs would be scams and disclaimed them. I do not. People smarter than me can say why or why no they would work.

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