The dismantling and accelerated ruination of a once great city.


It’s important to talk about the viral issues. But in defiance of the creeping confinement the establishment is doing to us, I’m going to mention another aspect of the dismantling of our civil society which is happening most intensely in the USA – and thank God it hasn’t gotten a foothold up here as such. This is the deliberate dismantling of police protection being carried out in almost every Democrat run big city in the USA by District Attorneys and mayors who have been installed by corrupt elections by George Soros’s money. One of the worst of this criminal crew is DA Chesa Boudin in San Francisco.

He has deliberately accelerated the ruination of the city. Here’s a short sample of what the shop owners and the patrons of those stores are enduring. Theft is blatant and organized, intimidation and mayhem will be the result of any resistance and the police will do nothing because they have been ordered to do nothing. Mass rioting, looting, burning and even murder are never more than a day away at any time. This is San Francisco but the same things are happening in New York, Cleveland, Portland, Seattle, Minneapolis… This is on the road to a South African level of social chaos and the end of that terrible road is visible. The next step will be the same thing anarchy always brings: martial law.

This is the city of District Attorney Chesa Boudin who was installed in his position by George Soros’s money for the purpose of doing what he’s doing. Chesa didn’t need any encouragement to destroy San Francisco by destroying the police. Chesa has a passion for destroying the law which he acquired from infancy in the home of his step mother and father the co-founders of the Weather Underground, Bernadine Dohrn and Billy Ayers. Dohrn once praised Charles Manson for murdering innocent people. Chesa’s birth mother is Kathy Boudin, another co-founder of the Weather Underground and a facilitator of the murder of cops.

So for Chesa destroying law and order in San Francisco and turning the city into a nightmare for anybody who wants to make a living by doing the hated Capitalism, be they two elderly people managing a small shop, is a crusade. So the city is turned into literally an open sewer and a slum and an open garbage pit that tourists who come there because they have not been told the truth visit once and never again. For a retail company, even a big chain let alone a small shop, to bring goods into San Francisco to be sold is foolish to the point of insanity. They might as well cut out the middle man and deliver directly to the criminal cartels who profit from theft. And those cartels use the profit from as theft to fund enterprises even more diabolical. The devil's own work is being done a short drive south of my home.

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