The Great Whore the Mother Church giving Birth to her Daughters the Sister Churches.

Think about it. Protestants following after Martin Luther and deciding to read the Bible literally, as some assurance then they would have the Correct Interpretation is the truth. Have been in a Real War and Cold War with the Catholics ever since the 17th century.

The Great Whore the Mother Church giving Birth to her Daughters the Sister Churches.

Remember everything Jesus says, "Do not call yourself Fathers, for WE ALL have but 1 Father and he is in heaven" "You cannot get good fruit from the Tree that is already Corrupt". Protestants take from the Mother Church, change a few things but do not go back to Christ as Disciples and ask him for the Truth of the Great mystery of God.

They rely on what Martin Luther believes, who is already deceived. Everyone is in fear of hell that if they do not believe as the others, the blind following the blind, afraid of opening their own eyes and ears to what Christ and the Disciples say.

Why, because of Emperor Constantine and the Kings and Queens of Europe all the lord and ladies and all the neighbors believed on the threat of death. Remember this is the time of the Dark Ages and the Inquisition lasted officially till 1904. The Witch hunts, well people still get accused of being witches possessed of demons still just for saying Jesus is the Son of the Deity, not the Deity. Saying, God, is Our Father. One God 1 Creator 1 great Spirit 1 head above the Messiah. Just as the Christ says.

But FEAR PRIDE the carnal fruit rules the Church. Mortal men not believing they are Spirit, Brainwashed with the Law of Shed Blood of Pagan Gods. Religion is the Intoxicant of the people, Placebo effect, no different than the feel-good from believing in Santa Claus. Believing in the Empty air a Myth yet look at the results on the World, the children and the parents in every City and town in America.

Who is going to heaven and who is going to Hell. The Great Debate over the Biggest Lies and Liars. According to the Catholics everyone but them, according to the Protestants' everyone but them, claiming that all the Catholics have been deceived from the beginning and going and already gone to hell along with the Jews the Muslims the Buddhists native Americans etc.

Yet believe it is impossible that God would let them be deceived, doubleminded.

Christ said to follow him and do not fear evil. They accuse him of heresy and blasphemy and they will do the same to you. Christ said cut everything down and start again. From the good word the good seed. Only then will it make sense not leave you in confusion. And will agree with the Word while exposing the tares amongst the wheat.

Rightly divide the word then multiply only the good. Believing in your heart and confessing with your lips that Jesus is the Christ the Son that God Our Father sent. Just as the Eunuch was Baptized by Philip.

“In times of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act”

What is the goodwill of Christ the Prince of Peace? Is it goodwill towards all and peace on Earth, that we follow him and listen to what he has to say as our Teacher Brother Friend and High Priest? And that we all love one another as brothers and sisters of the Spirit having the same god and father as every one begotten of the Spirit >:<

Or WAR, anyone that does not agree with this or that faith and saving grace is the enemy to be destroyed using the Governments and the military? God wants the Mother Church to rule the World and the Pope to be Emperor using the Jesuits as his Military to infect infiltrate corrupt destroy manipulate serving only the Pope, forsaking Christ and God.

The Pope claiming he can forgive every Sin known to man but cannot cure a single Pedophile or Murderer. Or the Greed of the masses. Can God not see what you are doing,

A Deaf Dumb and Blind Judge; is good for nothing.

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